#M64 Effect of CalfAce on performance and health of Holstein dairy calves. M. Cooney
#M65 Effect of lameness on behavioral activity in transition dairy cows. J. M. Piñeiro
#M66 Pre- and postweaning performance and health of dairy calves fed milk replacers supplemented with various additives. D. Ziegler
#M67 Effects of non-digestible saccharides on passive immunoglobulin G transfer and serum immunoglobulin G concentration in newborn calves fed colostrum replacer. A. Htun
#M68 Pre- and postweaning performance and health of dairy calves fed milk replacers supplemented with different strains of direct-fed microbials. H. Chester-Jones
#M69 Effects of Protemace on the performance and small intestinal health of Jersey calves challenged with Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium at 7 day of life. Y. Liang
#M70 Risk factors for retained placenta and metritis in grazing dairy herds. R. R. Daros
#M71 The determination of concentrations of tocopherol isoforms in whole tissues and mitochondria via high-performance liquid chromatography after short-term supplementation in dairy cows. Y. Qu
#M72 Exploring lameness across a lactation through the eyes of a fatty pad. C. Stambuk
#M73 Uterine microbiome, antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors of metritic treated cows that cure or failed to cure from metritis. Z. Zhou
#M74 Water intake of transported Holstein dairy calves classified as sick or healthy in the first 21 d. S. Y. Morrison
#M75 Economic comparison of ampicillin trihydrate and ceftiofur hydrochloride for treating metritis in dairy cows: A prospective cohort study. F. S. Lima
#M76 Associations of gait score, lying behavior, hygiene, and body condition score between dairy cows with low and high somatic cell counts. A. Zambelis
#M77 Effect of an accelerated growth feeding protocol on the weight gain of Holstein calves under tropical conditions. N. Navedo-Guzmán
#M78 Impact of housing, environment and management on respiratory illness in pre-weaned calves. L. K. Ferlito
#M79 Effects of the addition of electrolyzed water to a footbath solution on digital dermatitis incidence. H. K. Himmelmann
#M80 Management practices and prevalence of bovine respiratory disease in pre-weaned dairy calves in California. B. M. Karle
#M81 Effect of calving stress on feed intake of dairy cows soon after calving. M. Reshalaitihan
#M82 Transgenerational effects of postpartum inflammatory diseases in dairy cows. M. R. Carvalho
#M83 Colostrum mineral concentrations and their association with calcemic status at calving in Jersey cows. J. Chiozza-Logroño
#M84 Association of colostrum Ca concentration at first and second milking with postpartum serum Ca concentration. J. Chiozza-Logroño
#M85 Metabolic and inflammatory changes in blood of lactating Holstein cows induced to subacute ruminal acidosis. F. Rosa
#M86 Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry metabolomic serum signatures indicate global and disease-specific challenges in protein and fatty acid metabolism precede retained placenta in dairy cows. G. Bobe
#M87 Polyphenolic extract from cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) modulates galectin 3 and 9 expression in bovine peripheral blood. S. Adjei-Fremah
#M88 A statewide survey of colostrum management practices on organic dairy farms in Ohio. L. da Costa
#M89 A comparison of hair cortisol concentrations between various sampling sites of the body and blood cortisol in lactating Holstein cows and heifers. B. W. Kim
#M90 Upregulation of nitric oxide synthases and natriuretic peptides in healthy controls compared with pulmonary arterial hypertensive Holstein heifers exposed to chronic hypobaric hypoxia. S. Ji
#M91 Use of calcitriol to reduce subclinical hypocalcemia and improve postpartum health in dairy cows. A. Vieira-Neto
#M92 Comparison of ionized calcium concentrations using an Abaxis Vetscan iSTAT with a Horiba LAQUAtwin ionized calcium meter in dairy cows fed DCAD rations with low, medium, or high concentrations of calcium and challenged with EGTA. A. P. Prichard
#M93 Effect of a single dose of an oral calcium bolus after parturition on plasma calcium concentration, milk production, and culling in Holstein dairy cows. B. M. Leno
#M94 Serum mineral concentrations and their association with calcemic status at calving on multiparous Jersey cows. A. Valldecabres
#M96 Reproductive toxicity of bisphenol A in male New Zealand white rabbits. M. S. Gulay
#M97 Safety evaluation of punicalagin in male New Zealand White rabbits. H. Karabulut
#M98 Subacute bisphenol A toxicity in male New Zealand White rabbits. M. S. Gulay
#M99 Omnigen supplementation during the first 150 days of life decreases the incidence of tick fever in dairy calves. B. B. Leme