Animal Health Posters 2

Section: Animal Health (posters)
Format: Posters
Day/Time: Tuesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall A
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
Effect of pulsed alternating wavelengths on melatonin, cortisol, and serotonin concentrations in Holstein heifers.
P. Pinedo
Effects of a nutritional and handling stress challenge in Parmigiano Reggiano lactating dairy cows.
D. Cavallini
Assessment of the DQ-ovalbumin method, and comparison of neutrophil function assays in dairy cows.
O. Bogado Pascottini
Biomarkers associated with granulocyte oxidative burst in uterus of cows in early lactation.
C. S. Takiya
OmniGen-AF alters metabolic profile and blood cell populations after 28 days of supplementation in LPS-challenged heifers.
S. Armstrong
Effects of a new preventive strategy with acetylsalicylic acid on metabolic status and inflammation in dairy cows after calving.
A. A. Barragan
Growth and health of recently transported dairy heifers fed a novel antibody to interleukin-10.
M. Akins
Early life fecal microbiota transplantation affects systemic and polymorphonuclear leukocytes mRNA biomarkers of inflammation and liver function in neonatal dairy calves.
F. Rosa
Differences in hematological values by sex and age of Holstein and Jersey calves.
S. Ha
Effects of vaccinating against brucellosis and clostridia simultaneously or not on the immune response of dairy calves.
C. F. A. Lage
Supplementing dairy calves with colostral immunoglobulins for 14 days reduces death loss and antibiotic usage.
A. J. Geiger
Mitigating environmental mastitis microbes with the novel use of paper mill byproducts.
D. C. Reyes
Lactoperoxidase potential in the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in cows via image processing.
A. H. N. Rangel
Prevalence, antimicrobial susceptibility, and virulence genes of Klebsiella spp. from bovine mastitis in China.
J. Wang
Biofilm production by Streptococcus agalactiae isolated from milk of cows with subclinical mastitis.
V. L. M. Rall