Production, Management, and Environment II

Section: Production, Management and the Environment (orals)
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Monday 2:00 PM–5:45 PM
Location: Ballroom C
Chair: Todd Callaway, University of Georgia
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
2:00 PM
#195 Nutritional and greenhouse gas contributions of dairy cattle to United States agriculture.
Robin R. White
2:15 PM
#196 Genetically modified crops and no-till systems reduce production of greenhouse gases from crops used for feeds.
J. L. Vicini
2:30 PM
#197 Manure flushing versus scraping in dairy freestall lanes reduces gaseous emissions.
Elizabeth G. Ross
2:45 PM
#198 A framework for conducting nonlinear meta-analysis in the dairy sciences.
Luis E. Moraes
3:00 PM
#199 Effects of hormonal growth promotants on meat quality.
Helen M. Golder
3:15 PM
#200 Estimating the dairy farm value of infectious or non-infectious lameness prevention strategies as influenced by pre-prevention hoof disease incidence rates and prevention effectiveness.
Karmella A. Dolecheck
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
#201 The effects of milk consumption on predicted future body weight of heifers.
Tabitha S. Steckler
4:15 PM
#202 Influence of a lactic acid bacteria and yeast-based postbiotic product (Probisan) on the performance of pre-weaned newborn calves.
Maristela Rovai
4:30 PM
4:45 PM
#204 Altering the ruminal microbiota in dairy calves using rumen contents dosing.
Madison S. Cox
5:00 PM
#205 Can palmitic acid supplementation be detected by bulk tank fatty acid profile?
Debora E. Santschi
5:15 PM
#206 Effect of feeding fresh alfalfa or fresh oat/berseem clover on rumen characteristics and metabolic N of dairy cows.
Daniel Enriquez-Hidalgo
5:30 PM
#207 Monitoring daily liveweight in grazing sheep using an automated walk-over-weighing system.
Eliel González-García