Forages and Pastures II

Section: Forages and Pastures (posters)
Format: Posters
Day/Time: Tuesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall A
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
Application of a handheld infrared meter for determining silage moisture.
Jarrod J. Blackburn
Energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) as a comprehensive method for mineral analysis of feeds.
Ralph Ward
Effect of corn planting population on phosphorus concentration and extraction in the forage (study 1).
Gonzalo Ferreira
Effect of corn planting population on phosphorus concentration and extraction in the forage (study 2).
Christy L. Teets
Effect of bacterial inoculants containing Lactobacillus buchneri and/or Lactobacillus hilgardii on the fermentation and quality of corn silage.
Kathy G. Arriola
Meta-analysis of the effect of Lactobacillus buchneri inoculation on dry matter recovery and aerobic stability of silages.
Kathy G. Arriola
Impacts of silage bacterial additives on forage fiber.
Pascal Drouin
Pasture base dairy farm intensification: the role of growth strategy (stocking rate vs. individual milk production) and availability of infrastructure.
Martín Aguerre
Effects of forage allowance on production and pasture use efficiency in Uruguay.
Graziele Silva Oliveira
Milk production and composition of dairy cows in response to pasture allowance.
Graziele Silva Oliveira
Pasture dry matter intake in intensive dairy production systems: Effects of grazing and feeding management.
Maria N. Méndez
Effect of stocking rate on pasture production and utilization on a grazing dairy system during winter and spring.
Gastón Ortega
Silage feeding programs on intensive dairy farms.
Thiago Bernardes
New approach to properly characterize molasses composition.
Damiano Cavallini
Effects of microbial inoculant and molasses on whole-plant soybean silage harvested in different reproductive growth stages.
Francisco P. Rennó
Growth rate and biomass accumulation in forage maize (Zea mays), forage millet (Echinochloa utilis), elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) and gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus).
A. H. Ekeocha
Effect of nitrogen dose and harvesting age on Tithonia diversifolia yield and quality.
Jorge A. Elizondo-Salazar
Aerobic stability and ruminal degradation of savoy grass silage (Megathyrsus maximus) with increasing levels of passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) peel.
Italo F. Espinoza Guerra
Effect of cellulase and fermentation period on the nutritive value of Panicum maximum (cv. Mombasa) silage.
E. A. Collao-Saenz