Forages and Pastures I

Section: Forages and Pastures
Format: Posters
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
Implementation of the LOCAL algorithm with near-infrared spectroscopy in forage resources for grazing systems of dairy cattle in Colombia.
C. Ariza-Nieto
Characterization of forage resources of Colombian highlands grazing systems using LOCAL algorithm with near-infrared spectroscopy.
C. Ariza-Nieto
Effects of a chemical additive on aerobic stability and fungal microbiome of corn silage.
E. Benjamim da Silva
A sensory additive increased milk response to concentrate supplementation in dairy cows grazing kikuyu pastures.
F. Bargo
Feed laboratory demographics and utilization in the United States.
J. Severe
Effects of nitrogen fertilization on the nutritive value of oat forages.
W. K. Coblentz
Winter supplementation of ground whole flaxseed impacts milk fatty acid composition on organic dairy farms in the northeastern United States.
K. J. Soder
Nutrient composition and management characteristics of California sorghum silage.
J. Heguy
Effect of type of processor and storage length on corn silage processing score in whole-plant corn silage samples.
L. F. Ferraretto
Evaluation of yield and quality of photoperiod-sensitive sorghums in central Wisconsin.
E. Remick
Comparison of two in situ reference methods to estimate indigestible NDF by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy.
G. J. Zhang
Simulating the effects of forage harvesting strategies on dairy farm profitability and agro-environmental performance in Canada.
V. Ouellet
Fermentation profile and identification of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts of rehydrated corn kernel silage.
T. Fernandes
Simulating the effect of corn silage substitution by sweet pearl millet or sweet sorghum silages on dairy farm profitability and agro-environmental performance in Canada.
J. Velarde-Guillén
Canopy height effect on the fiber digestibility of elephantgrass under cut and carry systems.
D. M. Donnelly
Effects of irrigation on sorghum forage yield and quality in the central sands region of Wisconsin.
A. Grisham
Packing density of corn and winter forage silage structures on California dairies.
M. Cuffia
Nitrogen fertilization effects on sorghum forage yield and quality.
A. Grisham
Pearl millet morphological composition at three sowing densities and two cutting heights.
E. A. Collao-Saenz
Effect of plant population and hybrids varying in relative maturity on yield, nutrient composition and ruminal in vitro NDF digestibility in whole-plant corn forage.
L. F. Ferraretto
Productivity of lactating dairy cows fed diets with teff hay as the sole forage.
B. Saylor