Forages and Pastures II

Section: Forages and Pastures
Format: Posters
Day/Time: Tuesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
Establishment and production of ryegrass and clover in two Colombian highland regions.
C. Ariza-Nieto
Growth dynamic and chemical composition of kikuyu (Cenchrus clandestinum) in Colombian highland dairy systems.
C. Ariza-Nieto
Effectiveness of a chemical additive on improving the aerobic stability of air-stressed high-moisture corn submitted to aerobic spoilage at room and warm temperatures.
E. Benjamim da Silva
Effectiveness of a chemical additive on improving the aerobic stability of corn silage after short periods of ensiling.
E. Benjamim da Silva
Sensory additive effects on leucocyte and metabolic profile of grazing dairy cows.
F. Bargo
Effect of a homolactic inoculant alone and in combination with a heterolactic inoculant on the fermentation and aerobic stability of high-moisture corn.
M. L. Smith
Effect of a homolactic inoculant alone and in combination with a heterolactic inoculant on the fermentation and aerobic stability of snaplage.
M. L. Smith
Accuracy and precision of forage analysis by commercial laboratories.
J. Severe
Analysis of Japanese forages for undigested neutral detergent fiber composition.
K. Ishida
Carbon footprint of dairy production systems in Québec: Barley versus corn silage.
J. Guyader
Effect of seed variety and cutting date on nutritive values and in vitro digestibility of teff grass.
B. Saylor
Effect of homofermentative bacteria and cellulase addition to sugarcane at ensiling on silage chemical composition.
E. A. Collao-Saenz
Cell wall composition between and within phytomers of corn plants.
A. N. Brown
Yield and nutritive value of binary legume-grass mixtures under grazing or frequent cutting.
G. F. Tremblay
The effects of Lactobacillus buchneri and various air stresses on the fermentation and aerobic stability of corn silage.
R. M. Savage
The impact of storage strategy and time on the quality and dry matter loss of wet distillers grains.
O. Queiroz
Chemical composition and in vitro degradation kinetics of saboya grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.) silage with inclusion of tropical fruits by-products.
I. Espinoza
Effect of Lactobacillus buchneri 30319 alone or in combination with Lactobacillus plantarum 40027 (MTD/1) on the aerobic stability of high-moisture corn.
R. N. Mester
Tall fescue as an alternative to timothy silage fed with or without alfalfa to dairy cows.
A.-M. Richard
The use of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System in corn silage hybrid testing programs.
A. B. Lawton
Effect of silage covering systems on fermentation, nutritional quality, and estimated organic matter loss of corn silage after 156 days of storage in a drive-over pile
D. Bu