Abstract #T120

# T120
The use of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System in corn silage hybrid testing programs.
A. B. Lawton*1, J. R. Lawrence1, M. E. Smith2, W. S. Burhans1, M. E. Van Amburgh1, T. R. Overton1, 1Department of Animal Science and PRO-DAIRY, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2Section of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Corn silage (CS) testing programs aid in evaluating hybrids for subsequent use. Ranking metrics such as Rumen Fermentable Carbohydrate–Fill Index (RFCFI; calculated as [(digested NDF at 30h+starch)/undigested NDF (uNDF) at 30h]), and Milk/Ton, as calculated by MILK2006, have been used to assess CS performance. Predicted allowable milk yield (AMY) from the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS v.6.5.5) was used as a new approach to evaluate the milk producing potential of hybrids. Hybrids (n = 29) were planted in a randomized complete block design, with 4 replications and by 5-d maturity groups in Northern NY (NNY) and Central NY (CNY). A typical NY high CS ration (27.1 kg DMI) was formulated using a CNCPS library CS for an ME and MP AMY of 45.4 kg/d. The library CS was replaced (DM basis, 12.7 kg CS) with each hybrid analysis, creating separate rations (ME AMY range: NNY = 46.4 to 49.1 kg, CNY = 47.9 to 49.4 kg). After substitution, rations were adjusted to supply predicted DMI based at a constant uNDF at 240h (uNDF240) intake of 2.661 kg/d (ME AMY range: NNY = 40.2 to 58.1 kg, CNY = 48.0 to 63.2 kg). This approach accounts for DMI differences based on uNDF240 supply and rumen fill. The reported ME AMY was more limiting than MP AMY and accounts for nutrient and digestibility characteristics. Comparisons of ME AMY with RFCFI and MILK2006 were made for both locations (Table 1). A stronger correlation existed between ME AMY and RFCFI, than MILK2006, and was greater for the NNY location, which had greater yields and lower digestibility values than the CNY location. Utilizing CNCPS may enhance the information available from CS testing programs. Table 1. Correlation between CNCPS v.6.5.5 predicted ME allowable milk yield on a DMI equivalent or uNDF240 intake corrected basis
CNCPS measurementRanking metricR2
Central NYNorthern NY
Predicted ME AMY,1 DMI equivalentRFCFI20.690.93
Predicted ME AMY, DMI equivalentMILK20060.180.51
Predicted ME AMY, uNDF2403 adjusted DMIRFCFI0.630.89
Predicted ME AMY, uNDF240 adjusted DMIMILK20060.490.42
1AMY = allowable milk yield. 2RFCFI = Rumen Fermentable Carbohydrate–Fill Index. 3uNDF240 = undigested NDF at 240 h.

Key Words: CNCPS, corn silage, hybrid trial