#W175 Responses to ruminally protected choline in transition cows do not depend on body condition. J. M. Bollatti
#W176 Effect of dietary calcium nitrate on dry matter intake, milk production and ruminal parameters in dairy cows. K. V. d. Almeida
#W177 Evaluation of cobalt source and level for lactating dairy cows. K. E. Ritz
#W178 Assessment of magnesium availability from magnesium oxide sources. D. B. Vagnoni
#W179 Effects of additional bioavailable chromium on dry matter intake, milk yield, and component production: A meta-analysis. T. L. Harris
#W180 Calcidiol increased milk yield and reduced somatic cell count of late-lactation dairy cows. C. S. Cortinhas
#W181 Meta-analysis of the effects of supplemental rumen-protected choline during the transition period on performance and health of dairy cows. U. Arshad
#W183 Effects of soy lecithin on circulating choline metabolite concentrations and phosphatidylcholine profile in Holstein cows. J. E. Rico
#W184 MegAnion as an anionic salt source in prepartum negative dietary cation-anion difference diets for multiparous dairy cows. L. S. Caixeta
#W185 Assessment of the capacity of certain mycotoxin binders to adsorb vitamins. S. Calsamiglia