Joint Reproduction/Animal Health Platform Session: Transition Cow Health and Reproduction

Section: Reproduction (orals)
Day/Time: Tuesday 2:00 PM–5:30 PM
Location: Room 206
Chair: Stephen LeBlanc, University of Guelph
Sponsored by: Merck Animal Health
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
2:00 PM
#399 Uterine microbiome and uterine disease.
K. Galvão
2:45 PM
#400 Long-term consequences of inflammatory disorders postpartum on fertility.
E. S. Ribeiro
3:30 PM
#401 Associations between metabolic diseases and reproductive performance of dairy cows using survival analysis and machine learning models.
M. Hostens
3:45 PM
4:00 PM
#402 Epidemiology of reproductive disorders in large certified organic dairy farms in northern Colorado.
D. Manriquez
4:15 PM
#403 Regardless of bacterial load in the vagina, heat stress increases uterine disease incidence and severity in the dairy cow.
P. C. C. Molinari
4:30 PM
#404 Effects of fully acidified, negative DCAD diets with differing concentrations of dietary calcium fed prepartum on uterine morphology and redox environment of Holstein cows after parturition.
A. Guadagnin
4:45 PM
#405 Aflatoxin compromises development of the preimplantation bovine embryo through mechanisms independent of reactive oxygen production.
Y. Jiang
5:00 PM
#406 Effect of the treatment with carprofen during early postpartum on the reproductive performance of dairy cows with potential incidence of clinical metritis.
A. Rodríguez
5:15 PM
#407 Effects of a new preventive strategy with acetylsalicylic acid on uterine diseases and reproductive performance in dairy cows.
A. A. Barragan