Reproduction I

Section: Reproduction (posters)
Format: Posters
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall A
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
Impact of estrous expression on progesterone concentrations and its association with fertility.
A. M. L. Madureira
Fertility response to commercially available GnRH products in lactating cows synchronized with the Double-Ovsynch protocol.
Paulo D. Carvalho
Reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows managed with the Short-Resynch or the Day25-Resynch protocol.
Robert Wijma
Effects of intrauterine infusion of seminal plasma at artificial insemination on fertility of lactating Holstein cows.
William G. Ortiz
Association among calving season, milk yield, and body condition score during the dry period and pregnancy at first artificial insemination in Argentinian dairy herds.
Pedro Melendez
Maximizing inseminations at detected estrus for second and greater services in lactating dairy cows.
Magdalena Masello
Association between hoof lesions and fertility of dairy cows.
Bobwealth O. Omontese
Prevalence of purulent vaginal discharge in dairy herds depends on timing but not method of diagnosis—A meta-analysis.
Alessandro Ricci
Bellowing and vaginal discharge as secondary symptoms of estrus detection for successful insemination of dairy cattle in tiestall barns in a tropical environment.
Siribhorn Kanwichai