Forages and Pastures 1

Section: Forages and Pastures (posters)
Format: Posters
Day/Time: Tuesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall A
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
Comparisons of fiber digestibility for triticale forages at two different sample sizes using the Ankom Daisy Incubator II System.
W. Coblentz
Milk performance of dairy cows as affected by the inclusion of corn silage or corn shredlage in a total mixed ration.
A. Bach
Effects of environment, genotype, maturity, and plant height on in vitro fiber digestibility of corn vegetative tissues.
G. Ferreira
Bacterial microbiota of rehydrated corn and sorghum grain silages.
O. Gomes Pereira
Fungal microbiota of rehydrated corn and sorghum grain silages.
O. Gomes Pereira
Effect of particle size on ruminal in situ dry matter and starch disappearance of sorghum kernels.
C. L. McCary
Effect of hybrid and planting density on yield and nutritive value of whole plant sorghum forage.
C. L. McCary
Aerobic stability of total mixed ration with added microbial growth inhibitors.
M. N. Pereira
Efficacy of chemical additives on microbial growth and aerobic stability of total mixed ration.
M. N. Pereira
Effect of multiple fermentation times on NDF digestion kinetics in alfalfa hay.
R. Ward
The difference of chemical composition and NDF digestibility of corn stalk treated with different fungus.
D. P. Bu
European grass silage in vitro rumen undigestible NDF measures at 30-, 120- and 240-hour comparisons between two laboratories.
J. Goeser
The effects of Lactobacillus diolivorans on fermentation characteristics and aerobic stability of corn silage.
K. Z. Moyer
Comparison of growth and relationship with genomic body size for dairy heifers managed in confinement or on pasture.
C. Hribar
Use of nylon bag technique in fistulated cattle to assess forage nutrient profiles.
M. A. Snider
Effect of different levels of waste dates on the chemical composition and quality of alfalfa silage.
B. Kim
Effects of foliar fungicide application on floury and brown midrib corn varieties for whole-plant corn silage on silage temperature and fermentation parameters.
L. J. Wente
An evaluation on the effect of a microbial inoculant on the fermentation of alfalfa silage ensiled at two dry matters.
L. Kung Jr.
Effect of corn planting population on phosphorus concentration and extraction in the forage (study 3).
C. L. Teets
Effects of feeding two different types of sorghum-sudangrass silage based diets on nutrient intake and digestibility and growth of Holstein dairy heifers.
M. Akins