Production, Management, and the Environment 4

Section: Production, Management and the Environment (orals)
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Wednesday 2:00 PM–3:30 PM
Location: Room 264
Chair: Todd Callaway, University of Georgia
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
2:00 PM
#518 Feeding a diet with high corn distillers grain with solubles alters manure characteristics and decreases ammonia emission from manure in dairy cows.
C. Lee
2:15 PM
#519 The effects of concentrate feeding strategy and dairy cow genotype on milk production and metabolic status under restricted grazing conditions during the breeding season.
E. L. Brady
2:30 PM
#520 Effects of milk replacer feeding rate and frequency on performance of preweaning dairy calves during summer.
R. M. Orellana Rivas
2:45 PM
#521 Withdrawn
S. C. Allen
3:00 PM
#522 Withdrawn
3:15 PM
#523 Pasture and supplement intake, milk production, and partial economic profit in commercial dairy systems: Effects of two contrasting productive strategies.
M. N. Méndez