Animal Health Platform Session: Stress Effects on Health and Production

Section: Animal Health (orals)
Day/Time: Wednesday 9:30 AM–12:30 PM
Location: Room 206
Chair: Eduardo Ribeiro, University of Guelph
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
9:30 AM
#450 Discover Conference 35 recap—Stress effects on health and production.
M. A. Ballou
10:00 AM
#451 Male dairy calf morbidity and mortality after long-distance transportation.
D. Wilson
10:15 AM
#452 Assessing the utility of leukocyte differential cell counts for predicting mortality risk in neonatal Holstein calves upon arrival and 72 hours post-arrival at calf rearing facilities.
T. E. von Konigslow
10:30 AM
#453 Effects of a bovine nonspecific immune stimulant on health of Jersey and Jersey-cross heifer calves in the first month of life.
B. Omontese
10:45 AM
#454 Withdrawn
11:00 AM
#455 Association between hoof lesions and milk yield in dairy cows.
B. O. Omontese
11:15 AM
#456 Predicting the next life event including disease by applying deep learning on sequential and pictorial data.
M. Hostens
11:30 AM
#457 Impact of metabolic, digestive and postpartum disorders on milk yield.
G. Pérez-Hernández
11:45 AM
#458 Impaired blood neutrophil function under ketotic conditions in peripartal dairy cows revealed through an ex vivo LPS challenge.
N. Carpinelli
12:00 PM
#459 Plasma alpha-1-acid glycoprotein is negatively associated with dry matter intake in postpartum dairy cows.
W. E. Brown
12:15 PM
#460 Effect of meloxicam on systemic inflammation, immune function, and endometrial health in postpartum dairy cows.
O. Bogado Pascotinni