Dairy Foods - Cheese, Yogurt, and Ice Cream

Section: Dairy Foods (orals)
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Monday 2:00 PM–5:15 PM
Location: Room 236
Chair: Stephanie Clark, Iowa State University
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
2:00 PM
#177 Effect of different aging conditions on the physicochemical and textural characteristics of an artisanal cheese produced in South African rural communities.
E. Raffrenato
2:15 PM
#178 Nanofiltration as sustainable approach to controlling cheese acidity by adjusting lactose to casein content of milk.
Y. Lu
2:30 PM
#179 Minimizing moisture migration in large 291-kg blocks of Cheddar cheese.
C. E. Collins
2:45 PM
#180 From’Innov: A new concept to improve efficiency and sustainability of the cheesemaking process.
J. Chamberland
3:00 PM
#181 Emotions evoked by cheese odors.
C. Licon
3:15 PM
#182 Application of partial calcium-depleted milk protein concentrate in protein-fortified stirred yogurt for improving the gel water-holding capacity and product processability.
J. A. Ortiz Salazar
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
#183 Texture defects of fermented milk products caused by vibrations—Impact of amplitude and different process parameters.
A. Körzendörfer
4:15 PM
#184 Dynamic structural breakdown behavior of a model Maasdam-style cheese under tensile deformation as studied using confocal scanning laser microscopy.
J. J. Sheehan
4:30 PM
#185 Differentiating between the effects of chymosin-mediated proteolysis, coagulant type, ripening temperature and calcium solubilization on fracture behavior of Maasdam-style cheese.
J. J. Sheehan
4:45 PM
#186 Prototype protein characterization unit (PCU) to study the dissociation of casein micelles by sodium and potassium citrates and tartrates.
E. Mahdinia
5:00 PM
#187 Ice cream from milk from cows supplemented with unsaturated fatty acid sources: Physicochemical and sensory characteristics.
E. Vargas-Bello-Pérez