Production, Management, and the Environment 2

Section: Production, Management and the Environment (orals)
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Monday 2:00 PM–4:45 PM
Location: Room 204
Chair: Jennifer Heguy, U. California Cooperative Extension
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
2:00 PM
#219 Validation of the RumiWatchSystem to monitor feeding and locomotive behaviors in a grazing dairy herd.
G. M. Pereira
2:15 PM
#220 Validation of an ear tag for grazing behavior in Minnesota and Ireland.
B. J. Heins
2:30 PM
#221 Association of management practices, housing, milking speed and robot visits with milk production per cow on free-flow automatic milking system farms.
M. Peiter
2:45 PM
#222 Utilizing data collected via automated sensors as proxies for feed intake in dairy cattle and the impact of health status.
C. Siberski
3:00 PM
#223 Association of management practices, housing, milking speed, and robot visits with milk production per robot on free-flow automatic milking farms.
M. Peiter
3:15 PM
#224 Growth, health, and economics of dairy calves fed organic milk replacer versus whole milk in an automated feeding system.
K. Sharpe
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
#225 Milk and reproductive performance in Holstein cows experiencing hyperketonemia in early lactation.
D. Santschi
4:15 PM
#226 Combining milk and body weight perturbations as proxies for robustness in primiparous dairy cows.
N. C. Friggens
4:30 PM
#227 The association between MUN and protein efficiency across protein content and lactation stage.
E. Liu