Production, Management, and the Environment 1

Section: Production, Management and the Environment (orals)
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Monday 9:30 AM–12:15 PM
Location: Room 204
Chair: Jennifer Heguy, U. California Cooperative Extension
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
9:30 AM
#93 Early lifetime information enhances calf selection by improving accuracy of predictions with machine learning algorithms and regression.
A. De Vries
9:45 AM
#94 Machine learning algorithms for early prediction of clinical mastitis.
L. Fadul-Pacheco
10:00 AM
#95 Development of a prediction equation for body weight change in early-lactating dairy cows by Fourier-transform infrared predicted fatty acid profiles in milk.
D. Warner
10:15 AM
#96 A stochastic animal life-cycle simulation model and its herd structure.
M. Li
10:30 AM
#97 Environmental benefits of alternatives in dairy farm management in the changing climate of the northeastern United States.
A. Rotz
10:45 AM
#98 Executing a better nutritional grouping strategy in commercial dairy farms.
J. A. Barrientos Blanco
11:00 AM
#99 Keeping the most profitable cow and not the most yielding one: Lifetime cost-benefit assessment as a decision-making support tool in dairy management.
D. Warner
11:15 AM
#100 Development of a decision support tool for optimal allocation of nutritional resources in a dairy herd.
A. Bellingeri
11:30 AM
#101 Economics of embryo transfer use to improve reproductive performance during heat stress.
F. Ferreira
11:45 AM
#102 Economics of using beef semen.
W. Li
12:00 PM
#103 Impact of health status at arrival to a milk-fed veal facility on breakeven purchase price of calves.
D. L. Renaud