Presentations by Y. Roman-Garcia

Oral PresentationPoster Presentation
Assessing recovery of 13C-enriched branched-chain VFA and branched-chain AA into rumen bacterial fatty acids.
Y. Roman-Garcia
  • Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM in Exhibit Hall A
  • Poster Presentation in Ruminant Nutrition: Fat and Lipids
Quantifying the relation between diet branched-chain AA and production responses: A meta-analysis.
Y. Roman-Garcia
  • Monday 2:15 PM–2:30 PM in Junior Ballroom D
  • Oral Presentation in Ruminant Nutrition 2: Protein and Amino Acid II
Assessing different branched-chain VFA combinations on NDF degradation and VFA production in vitro.
Y. Roman-Garcia
  • Wednesday 11:00 AM–11:15 AM in Room 233
  • Oral Presentation in Ruminant Nutrition 6: Fiber and Fermentation
Effects of branched-chain VFA and branched-chain AA supplementation on NDF degradation and VFA production in vitro.
Y. Roman-Garcia
  • Wednesday 11:30 AM–11:45 AM in Room 233
  • Oral Presentation in Ruminant Nutrition 6: Fiber and Fermentation
Relation of branched-chain VFA supplementation with solids passage rate and pH on NDF degradation and microbial function in continuous culture.
Y. Roman-Garcia
  • Wednesday 12:15 PM–12:30 PM in Room 233
  • Oral Presentation in Ruminant Nutrition 6: Fiber and Fermentation

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