Abstract #498
Section: Ruminant Nutrition (orals)
Session: Ruminant Nutrition 6: Fiber and Fermentation
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Wednesday 12:15 PM–12:30 PM
Location: Room 233
Session: Ruminant Nutrition 6: Fiber and Fermentation
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Wednesday 12:15 PM–12:30 PM
Location: Room 233

# 498
Relation of branched-chain VFA supplementation with solids passage rate and pH on NDF degradation and microbial function in continuous culture.
Y. Roman-Garcia*1, B. L. Denton1, K. E. Mitchell1, C. Lee1,2, M. Socha3, J. L. Firkins1, 1The Ohio State University Department of Animal Science, Columbus, OH, 2Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, OH, 3Zinpro Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN.
Key Words: branched-chain VFA (BCVFA), pH
Relation of branched-chain VFA supplementation with solids passage rate and pH on NDF degradation and microbial function in continuous culture.
Y. Roman-Garcia*1, B. L. Denton1, K. E. Mitchell1, C. Lee1,2, M. Socha3, J. L. Firkins1, 1The Ohio State University Department of Animal Science, Columbus, OH, 2Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, OH, 3Zinpro Corporation, Eden Prairie, MN.
We studied the effects of branched chain VFA supplementation, pH, and solids passage rate (Kp) on microbial activity in continuous culture using 8 fermenters in 4 periods. Treatments were: 1) control or BCVFA supplementation (2 mmol each/d), 2) high pH (ranging from 6.3 to 6.8) or low pH (5.7 to 6.2), and 3) either low (2.5%/h) or high (5.0%/h) solids Kpwere assigned in a 2 × 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Liquid dilution was maintained at 10.0%/h. Fermenters were fed 50 g of a 50:50 concentrate:forage diet twice daily. Apparent OM degradation was not affected by any treatment. BCVFA treatment tended (P = 0.08, main effect) to increase NDF degradation, which also tended (P = 0.11) to be increased with higher pH but was not affected by Kp. Interaction among treatments for NDF degradation was P > 0.15. Apparent N degradation increased (P = 0.05) with high pH and decreased (P < 0.01) with high Kp. On low pH, BCVFA did not affect redox, but BCVFA increased (P = 0.02) redox when pH was high (interaction P = 0.09). Flows of bacterial N, nonammonia-nonbacterial N, and the efficiencies of bacterial N flow per kg of OM and NDF degraded were not affected by treatment (P > 0.15). BCVFA increased (P < 0.01) CH4 emission rate from 1.5 to 10.5 h post feeding.Total VFA concentration in the fermenters tended (P = 0.06) to increase with high pH and decreased (P < 0.01) with High Kp. Total daily net production of VFA (subtracting doses) was not affected by treatment or treatment × feed. The net production of BCVFA was numerically lower when BCVFA was dosed, most likely due to use of the feed BC components directly. High pH increased (P < 0.05) isobutyrate and isovalerate production but decreased (P < 0.05) 2-methylbutyrate and valerate net production suggesting increased use by microbes. The anteiso FA precursor, 2-methylbutyrate, seems to be important for increasing membrane fluidity with increasing pH, and this BCVFA (unfortunately typically not separated from isovalerate in evaluation of nutrition experiments) appears to support a more critical role among the BCVFA to improve NDF digestibility with higher Kp and higher pH.
Key Words: branched-chain VFA (BCVFA), pH