Abstract #T110

# T110
Measurement of the carbon footprint in dairy production systems in Chile.
P. Toro-Mujica*1,2, L. Robles3, D. Enriquez-Hidalgo2, 1Instituto de Ciencias Agronómicas y Veterinarias, Universidad de O’Higgins, San Fernando, Chile, 2Departamento de Ciencias Animales, Facultad de Agronomía e Ingeniería Forestal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 3Departamento de Nutrición Animal, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Toluca, México.

Animal production has been identified as an important source of greenhouse gases emission. The dairy sector contributes to around 2.7% of total anthropogenic emissions. Dairy production systems in Chile are heterogeneous as they are influenced by farm location and structure, markets, environmental conditions, and producers’ preferences. Thus, the aim of this study was to estimate the carbon footprint (CF) of 4 dairy farms representative of Chilean dairy production systems using the Life Cycle Assessment approach. IPCC Tier 2 and the cradle-to-farm-gate methodologies were used. Emission sources include enteric fermentation, manure, cropland used in feed production, fuel used to produce feed, electricity, fertilizer, and pesticides. Carbon balance in the soil was not included. The first was an intensive dairy farm where cows remained confined in a compost barn system, with 233 Holstein, Jersey, Montbéliarde crossbreed cows, with an average weight of 600 kg, a production of 14153 kg of FPCM (Fat and Protein Corrected Milk)/cow/yr and average use of supplementary feed of 16.7 kg/cow/d. In this farm, the CF was of 1.5 kg of CO2-eq/kg FPCM. The second farm was a grass-based system, with 579 American Holstein with European Holstein cows with an average weight of 500 kg, a production of 6210 kg of FPCM/cow/yr, and average use of supplementary feed of 7.2 kg/cow/d, presented a CF of 0.6 kg of CO2-eq/kg FPCM. The third farm was a grass-based system with 495 Jersey cows with a weight of 430 kg, with a production of 5836 FPCM/cow/yr, and use of supplementary feed of 5.3 kg/cow/d, registering a CF of 0.7 kg of CO2-eq/kg FPCM. The fourth dairy was a grass-based using a milking robot with 371 Jersey cows, with an average weight of 430 kg, a production per cow of 4731 kg of FPCM/cow/yr, and use of supplementary feed of 3.8 kg/cow/d that result in a CF of 1 kg of CO2-eq/kg FPCM. The differences in emissions between systems were mainly due to the intensity of use of inputs such as supplementary feeding, fertilizer, and fuel. The higher milk productivity obtained on the intensive dairy farm was not enough to balance out the low CF of the grass-based farms evaluated.

Key Words: carbon footprint, dairy, milking