Abstract #M60

# M60
Genetic polymorphism of κ-casein on Coalho cheese yield from Zebu cows.
I. L. S. Oliveita1, R. C. Madruga2, R. D. S. Gomes1, E. P. E. Silva1, E. G. S. O. Silva1, J. S. Bezerra3, M. F. Bezerra1, D. C. Sales4, L. H. F. Borba1, J. G. B. Galvão Jr.5, A. H. N. Rangel*1, 1Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Macaíba, RN, Brazil, 2Associação Brasileira dos Criadores de Zebu, Parnamirim, RN, Brazil, 3Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil, 4Universidade do Estado de São Paulo, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil, 5Instituto Federal de Educação do Rio Grande do Norte, Ipanguaçu, RN, Brazil.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of the genetic polymorphism of Kappa-casein on the yield of Coalho cheese made from Zebu cow milk. The raw milk for producing the Coalho cheese came from Guzerá (n = 3), Gir (n = 7) and Sindi (n = 10) breeds. Genomic DNA was extracted from the capillary bulb of the 20 animals and submitted to PCR (polymerase chain reaction) analysis to determine the genetic polymorphism of Kappa-casein. The amplified products were run in capillary electrophoresis to verify the quality and concentration of the fragments. Band reading was performed using GeneMapper Software. Finally, allele and genotype frequencies were obtained for the 3 evaluated breeds. The data were submitted to ANOVA using SAS software (version 9.0) and the differences between the means were tested by the Tukey test at 5% significance. The Sindi breed obtained higher (P < 0.05) performance for the Coalho cheese yield (93.68g of total solids per liter, TS/L) in relation to the Guzerá (82.25g TS/L) and Gir (83.33g TS/L) breeds. The allele frequencies found for the kappa-casein genetic polymorphism were 0.75 (allele A) and 0.25 (allele B) for the Sindi breed; 1.0 (allele A) and 0.0 (allele B) for the Gir breed; and 0.83 (allele A) and 0.17 (allele B) for the Guzerá breed. The obtained genotypes for the genotype frequency were AA and AB, being AA (0.50) and AB (0.50) for the Sindi breed; AA (0.66) and AB (0.33) for Guzerá; and AA (1.0) and AB (0.0) for Gir. Thus, the Sindi breed obtained the highest frequency of the B allele (25%) when compared with the other breeds, enabling a higher percentage of total solids in the cheese, and therefore implying in a positively higher yield (g TS/L) of Coalho cheese for the breed. Therefore, the higher frequency of the κ-casein B allele has a positive influence on Coalho cheese yield.

Key Words: Zebu cattle, genotype frequencies, capillary electrophoresis