Abstract #M202

# M202
Effect of a combination of natural additives to support milk production without harming the environment.
André Pastori D'Aurea1, Lauriston Bertelli Fernandes1, Ricardo Ferreira Godinho3, Guillaume Desrousseaux*2, Rodrigo Tozetto2, 1Research Center Premix Company, Patrocínio Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil, 2Laboratoires Phodé, Terssac, France, 3State University of Minas Gerais, Passos, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Concerned about sustainable production in Brazilian, Premix Company in partnership with Phodé, developed a combination of specific natural additives for high production dairy cows. To improve production without affecting the environment, a blend of natural additives (NA) was composed by the association of Fator P (Premix, Brazil) + VeO Premium (Phodé, France). Fator P is composed of amino acids, minerals, probiotics and essential fatty acids. VeO Premium is a neuro-sensory solution mainly composed of a specific extract from the Rutaceae family. The experiment was carried out in a Brazilian farm during spring, where 104 mid-lactation multiparity Holstein cows were used, with a mean production of 38.28 ± 0.355 kg/d. Milk production, dry matter intake, feed efficiency and temperature and humidity index were evaluated over the days. To follow the effects of the use of NA were used 4 periods of 20 d each. For the first 20 d of the evaluation the group did not receive NA (−20 to 0). Then NA was fed for 60 d, divided into 3 periods (0 to 20, 20 to 40, and 40 to 60 d with additives). The average of periods were compared using Tukey test with 5% significance. Supplementation of NA increased milk yield (P < 0.001) and improved feed efficiency (P < 0.001) after 20 d of use. Period 0 to 20 may represent the adaptation time of ruminal microbiota to NA. Dry matter intake decreased (P = 0.005) in period 20 to 40 while THI tended to be higher (P = 0.06; Table 1). The NA can improve milk production even in heat stress. Results suggest that NA has the potential to be a natural alternative to support performance of high-production dairy cows without harming the environment. Table 1. Effect of natural additives on dairy performance
Days with additivesDMI,kg/dMilk production, kg/dFeed efficiencyTHI1
−20 to 0 (no additive)25.06a38.28b1.53b73.8
0 to 2025.14a38.09b1.52b73.7
20 to 4024.11b40.54a1.69a74.7
40 to 6025.19a41.36a1.64a71.8
a,bMeans with different letters are different by Tukey Test (5% significance). 1THI = temperature-humidity index.

Key Words: milk production, natural additives, sustainability