Abstract #T223

# T223
Impact of various forages and live yeast culture on weaned dairy calf growth and nutrient digestibility.
Lucas K. Mitchell*1, A. Jud Heinrichs1, 1The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.

The objective was to determine effects of various forages and live yeast culture on weaned calf growth and nutrient digestibility. Holstein calves (n = 45) were randomly assigned to 2 × 3 factorial treatments: live yeast culture (Y; Yea-Sacc, Alltech Inc.) or no yeast (NY) and alfalfa haylage (AH), corn silage (CS), or grass hay (GH). Calves were weaned at 6 wk of age, housed individually, and studied from 7 to 16 wk of age. Rations, consisting of texturized grower (Y or NY) and assigned forage, were offered as separate components until 9 wk of age. After 9 wk, feed was offered as a total mixed ration (TMR). Grower intake was capped at 2.25 kg/d, while forage was offered ad libitum. The TMR contained equal forage neutral detergent fiber (NDF; 8 ± 0.5%) on a dry matter (DM) basis. Calves were limit fed TMR to restrict grower intake, and additional forage was offered after 8 h if the entire TMR allotment was consumed. Total fecal collection (12 calves) was conducted for 4 d at 11 and 15 wk of age. Feces were weighed, sampled daily, and composited. Feeds and feces were evaluated for DM, NDF, acid detergent fiber, and starch to estimate digestibility. The statistical model included yeast, forage, and their interaction as fixed effects and calf as a random effect. Age was included as a repeated effect for nutrient digestibility. Initial body weight (BW) was used as a covariate to evaluate intake and growth. Intake (DM as % of BW) was least for calves consuming GH vs. other forages (P < 0.05). Calves on CS had the greatest average daily gain and empty BW gain, while calves on GH had the least. There was a tendency for a yeast x forage interaction effect on feed efficiency (P = 0.1) with calves on YCS being the most feed efficient. Digestibility of DM decreased with age (wk 11, 73.46 vs. wk 15, 71.22%; P = 0.05). Fiber digestibility was least for calves on CS (P < 0.05). Starch digestibility was least for calves on AH (CS = 93.94, GH = 93.14, AH = 88.29%; P = 0.05). In this trial, weaned calves fed CS gained weight faster than calves on AH or GH, and Y provision tended to increase feed efficiency in calves consuming CS.

Key Words: forage, weaned calf, yeast