Late-Breaking Original Research Session

Section: Late-Breaking Original Research Abstracts
Day/Time: Sunday 3:00 PM–5:00 PM
Location: 310/311
Chair: Stephanie Clark, Iowa State University
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
3:00 PM
#LB1 The commensal microbiota of bovine mammary gland: Cross-talk with host genotype and its potential role in modulating mastitis susceptibility.
Ehsan Khafipour
3:15 PM
#LB4 Anti-methanogenic effects of 3-nitrooxypropanol depend on supplementation dose, dietary fiber content, and type of cattle.
J Dijkstra
3:30 PM
#LB5 Effects of heat stress and dietary Zn source on cell growth and apoptosis of mammary gland in lactating dairy cows.
R. M. Orellana
3:45 PM
#LB6 Choline modulates fatty acid carbon flux within bovine primary hepatocytes.
T. L. Chandler
4:00 PM
#LB7 Candidate gene association analyses for ketosis-resistance traits in Canadian Holsteins.
V. Kroezen
4:15 PM
#LB8 Periparturient disease affects macrophage infiltration in subcutaneous adipose tissue of early lactation dairy cows.
J. De Koster
4:30 PM
#LB2 Meta-transcriptomic evidence of factors regulating ruminal volatile fatty acid production, absorption, and interconversion.
R. R. White
4:45 PM
#LB3 Meta-analysis of the effects of 2-hydroxy-4-methylthio-butanoic acid supplementation on ruminal fermentation, milk production, and nutrient digestibility.
R. R. White