Abstract #LB4
Section: Late-Breaking Original Research Abstracts
Session: Late-Breaking Original Research Session
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Sunday 3:15 PM–3:30 PM
Location: 310/311
Session: Late-Breaking Original Research Session
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Sunday 3:15 PM–3:30 PM
Location: 310/311

# LB4
Anti-methanogenic effects of 3-nitrooxypropanol depend on supplementation dose, dietary fiber content, and type of cattle.
J Dijkstra*1, A Bannink2, J France3, E Kebreab4, S Van Gastelen1, 1Animal Nutrition Group, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 2Wageningen Livestock Research, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 3Centre for Nutrition Modelling, Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, 4University of California, Davis, CA.
Key Words: 3-nitrooxypropanol, methane
Anti-methanogenic effects of 3-nitrooxypropanol depend on supplementation dose, dietary fiber content, and type of cattle.
J Dijkstra*1, A Bannink2, J France3, E Kebreab4, S Van Gastelen1, 1Animal Nutrition Group, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 2Wageningen Livestock Research, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 3Centre for Nutrition Modelling, Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, 4University of California, Davis, CA.
3-Nitrooxypropanol (NOP) inhibits methyl-coenzyme M reductase that catalyzes the methane (CH4) forming reaction in rumen archaea. Recent studies have shown major reductions in CH4 emission when using NOP, but with large variation in response (between −84% and +7% compared with control). The objective was to quantitatively evaluate the effects of NOP on CH4 emission in dairy and beef cattle, and to explore the factors that explain heterogeneity in response to NOP, using meta-analytical approaches. Data from 11 experiments and 38 treatment means were used. Factors considered were type of cattle (dairy or beef), roughage proportion, NOP-dose, crude protein content, and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content. The mean difference (MD) in CH4 production (g/d) and CH4 yield (g/kg of DM intake) was calculated by subtracting the means of CH4 emission for the control group from the NOP-supplemented group. Forest plots of standardized MD indicated highly variable effect sizes of NOP across studies. In comparison to beef cattle, dairy cattle had a much larger feed intake (22.0 vs. 7.3 kg of DM/d) and CH4 production (429 vs 154 g/d), and therefore in further analyses MD was expressed as percentage of observed control mean. Using random effect models, an average dose of 123 mg NOP/kg of DM in dairy and beef cattle reduced CH4 production (P < 0.01) by 32.4 ± 5.5% and CH4 yield (P < 0.01) by 28.4 ± 5.7%. The final mixed effect model for CH4 production included type of cattle (P = 0.04), NOP-dose (P < 0.01), and NDF content (P < 0.01). When adjusted for NOP-dose and NDF content, the CH4 mitigating effect of NOP was greater in dairy cattle (−37.6 ± 4.5%) than in beef cattle (−24.5 ± 4.0%). A 10 mg/kg DM increase in NOP-dose from its mean enhanced the NOP effect on CH4 production decline by 1.8 ± 0.1%. However, a greater dietary NDF content impaired the NOP effect on CH4 production by 1.6 ± 0.5% per 10 g/kg of DM increase in NDF content from its mean (331 g of NDF/kg of DM). The factors included in the final mixed effect model for CH4 yield were similar to those for CH4 production. In conclusion, NOP had stronger anti-methanogenic effects in dairy cattle than in beef cattle. An increase in dietary NDF content reduced the NOP effect on CH4 emission, whereas a greater NOP-dose enhanced it.
Key Words: 3-nitrooxypropanol, methane