9:30 AM #68 ADSA®-SBZ Speaker Exchange Presentation: The acetyl bromide lignin method to quantify lignin and its implications with forage degradability. R. S. Fukushima
10:00 AM #69 Effects of wilting and molasses or inoculants additives on fermentation quality and nutritional value of round baled rice straw silages. H. Zheng
10:15 AM #70 Production and dry mater intake of dairy cows in mid lactation with different allocation time at grazing in lucerne (Medicago sativa). A. Santana
10:30 AM #71 Damascus goats grazing on Mediterranean brushland or fed Pistacia lentiscus have improved milk quality. N. Argov-Argaman
10:45 AM #72 The effect of the addition of hydrolysable tannins to alfalfa and red clover silages on performance and whole-tract digestibility in dairy cows. C. E. A. Campbell
11:00 AM #73 Relations between silage composition, its metabolome, and preference shown by goats. R. Scherer
11:15 AM #74 Modification of ruminal fermentation and methane production by adding legumes containing condensed tannins to an orchardgrass diet in continuous culture. A. I. Roca-Fernandez
11:30 AM #75 Effect of rehydrating and ensiling dry ground corn with varied concentrations of wet brewers grain on fermentation profile and ruminal in vitro starch digestibility. L. F. Ferraretto
11:45 AM #76 Development of a berry processing score for sorghum silage. J. R. Johnson
12:00 PM #77 Dual-flow continuous culture fermentation of organic BMR sorghum-sudangrass and teff grass to determine digestibility of forages in an organic dairy grazing system. K. J. Ruh
12:15 PM #78 Effects of foliar fungicide on whole-plant BMR and floury corn varieties at vegetative tassel and reproductive stages of growth. M. E. Weatherly
12:30 PM #79 Influence of plant population, hybrid relative maturity, and cutting height on yield, nutrient content, and digestibility in whole-plant corn forage. L. F. Ferraretto
12:45 PM #80 Forage herbage mass and quality of two different cover cropping systems for grazing organic dairy steers. B. J. Heins