Animal Behavior & Well-Being II

Section: Animal Behavior and Well-Being
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Tuesday 2:00 PM–3:45 PM
Location: 321
Chair: Peter Krawczel, University of Tennessee
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
2:00 PM
#350 Effects of stocking density and feed access on short-term responses in ruminal fermentation of Holstein dairy cows.
M. A. Campbell
2:15 PM
#351 Effects of stocking density and feed availability on short-term lying, feeding, and rumination responses of Holstein dairy cows.
M. A. Campbell
2:30 PM
#352 Clinical mastitis detection—Development of an accurate detection method for automatic milking systems.
M. Khatun
2:45 PM
#353 Evaluation of activity, feeding time, lying time, rumination time, reticulorumen temperature, and milk yield, conductivity, lactose, protein, and fat to detect subclinical mastitis.
A. E. Stone
3:00 PM
#354 Cows at high risk of Johne’s disease spend less time lying down around peak lactation.
G. L. Charlton
3:15 PM
#355 Detection of lame cattle using behavioral and physiological changes as measured by precision dairy monitoring technologies.
B. W. Jones
3:30 PM
#356 Facial biometrics as predictors of productivity, fertility, and health traits in elite dairy sires.
C. McVey