Abstract #M323
Section: Ruminant Nutrition
Session: Ruminant Nutrition I
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B
Session: Ruminant Nutrition I
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B

# M323
Effects of pre-ensiling additions of a bacterial inoculant with or without molasses on rehydrated cracked corn fermentation parameters.
L. C. Solórzano*1, L. L. Solórzano2, A. A. Rodríguez1, 1University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR, 2Independent Researcher, Fitchburg, WI.
Key Words: inoculant, molasses, ensiling
Effects of pre-ensiling additions of a bacterial inoculant with or without molasses on rehydrated cracked corn fermentation parameters.
L. C. Solórzano*1, L. L. Solórzano2, A. A. Rodríguez1, 1University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR, 2Independent Researcher, Fitchburg, WI.
Ensiling increases starch digestibility of corn, which is affected by the intensity of fermentation. Increasing the intensity of fermentation by adding a homo-fermentative bacterial inoculant (BI, 1 g/kg supplying >9.1 × 1010 cfu/g containing Lactobacillus plantarum, Enterococcus faecium, Lactococcus lactis, Pediococcus pentosaceus, P. acidilactici), or BI plus molasses at 1.1 g/kg (BI+MOL) or no additives (CTL) to rehydrated cracked corn (RCC; 66% DM) before ensiling was evaluated. Twelve 1-L glass mini-silos (4/treatment) were vacuumed packed and stored for 90 d at 25°C. Data were analyzed as a completely randomized design. Means were separated using Tukey’s test. DM recovery (95, 95.4, 95.2%) nor the temperature (19.2, 19.4, 19.3°C) at the opening of the silo were affected by treatment (CTL, BI and BI+MOL, respectively). BI decreased (P < 0.05) NH3-N compared with CTL (0.13 vs. 0.22% of CP) or BI+MOL (0.14 (% of CP), which was lower (P < 0.05) than CTL. BI (2.06%) increased (P < 0.05) water-soluble carbohydrates compared with CTL (1.62%) or BI+MOL (1.71%). BI (3.9) decreased (P < 0.05) pH compared with CTL (4.03) or BI+MOL (4.0). BI and BI+MOL decreased (P < 0.05) butyric acid compared with CTL (0.01 and 0.02 vs. 0.11%). BI (0.23%) decreased (P < 0.05) ethanol compared with CTL (0.30%) but did not differ from BI+MOL (0.28%). Neither BI nor BI+MOL affected in vitro starch digestibility compared with CTL (66.2, 67.1, 67.5% of starch, respectively). BI+MOL tended (P < 0.10) to decrease DM recovery compared with CTL (83.8 vs. 89.9%) or BI (86.1%) after 168 h of aerobic exposure (AE). The average temperature during 168 h of AE was higher (P < 0.05) for BI+MOL (22.1°C) compared with CTL (19.7°C) or BI (21.3°C). BI+MOL decreased the aerobic stability (h) of RCC compared with BI (60 vs 138 h) or CTL (>168 h). Additives had some positive effects on fermentation characteristics, however, the use of a homo-fermentative BI, or BI+MOL is not recommended for ensiling of RCC due to their negative effects on DM recovery and aerobic stability upon opening of silos. Additives did not affect starch digestibility.
Key Words: inoculant, molasses, ensiling