Abstract #M321
Section: Ruminant Nutrition
Session: Ruminant Nutrition I
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B
Session: Ruminant Nutrition I
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B

# M321
Pre-ensiling addition of bacterial inoculant, amylase or both to rehydrated cracked corn.
L. C. Solórzano*1, L. L. Solórzano2, A. A. Rodríguez1, 1University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR, 2Independent Researcher, Fitchburg, WI.
Key Words: ensiling, inoculant, amylase
Pre-ensiling addition of bacterial inoculant, amylase or both to rehydrated cracked corn.
L. C. Solórzano*1, L. L. Solórzano2, A. A. Rodríguez1, 1University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR, 2Independent Researcher, Fitchburg, WI.
Increasing starch digestibility benefits lactational and economic performance of dairy cows. Ensiling increases starch digestibility, but it is affected by the length of ensiling and intensity of fermentation. Increasing the intensity of fermentation by adding a homo-fermentative bacterial inoculant (HBI, 1 g/kg supplying > 9.1x1010 cfu/g containing Lactobacillus plantarum, Enterococcus faecium, Lactococcus lactis, Pediococcus pentosaceus, P. acidilactici), a source of α-amylase (AMY, 1.1 g amylase/kg), both (HBI+AMY) or no additives (CTL) to rehydrated cracked corn (RCC; 66% DM) before ensiling was evaluated. Sixteen 1 L glass mini-silos (4/treatment) were vacuumed packed and stored for 90 d at 25°C. Nutritional and fermentation characteristics, in vitro starch digestibility (IVSD) and aerobic stability were determined. Data were analyzed as a completely randomized design. Means were separated using Tukey’s test. HBI tended to increase (P < 0.10) DM recovery (95.4%) compared with CTL (95.0%) while the addition of AMY (94.2%) or HBI+AMY (94.5%) reduced it. HBI decreased (P < 0.05) pH and butyric acid (3.90, 0.01%) compared with CTL (4.03, 0.11%), AMY (3.95, 0.06%) or HBI+AMY (4.00, 0.04%). HBI lowered (P < 0.05) butyric acid compared with AMY or HBI+AMY. Ethanol was increased (P < 0.05) with AMY (0.38%) compared with CTL (0.30%). Adding HBI (0.23%) or HBI+AMY (0.29%) decreased (P < 0.05) ethanol compared with CTL (0.30%). HBI and HBI+AMY decreased NH3-N (0.13 and 0.14% of CP) compared with CTL (0.22% of CP) or AMY (0.17% of CP). AMY and CTL differed between them in NH3-N. HBI+AMY tended (P < 0.13) to increase IVSD (69.1% of starch) compared with CTL (67.5% of starch) while HBI or AMY (67.5 or 66.6% of starch) tended to decrease it. HBI+AMY decreased the stability (h) of RCC upon aerobic exposure vs. HBI (78 vs 138 h), AMY (>168 h) or CTL (>168 h). HBI or AMY positively influenced the nutritional and fermentation characteristics of RCC. Neither HBI nor AMY increased IVSD. The combination of HBI+AMY tended to increase IVSD but decreased aerobic stability of RCC.
Key Words: ensiling, inoculant, amylase