Abstract #383
Section: Dairy Foods
Session: Dairy Foods Symposium: Emerging Research and Insights to Drive Innovations in Fluid Milk
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Tuesday 2:15 PM–2:45 PM
Location: 327
Presentation is being recorded
Session: Dairy Foods Symposium: Emerging Research and Insights to Drive Innovations in Fluid Milk
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Tuesday 2:15 PM–2:45 PM
Location: 327

# 383
Market insights and consumer trends in fluid milk and beverages.
M. Wilcox*1, 1Significant Outcomes LLC, Pandora, OH.
Key Words: fluid milk, whole milk, protein
Speaker Bio
Market insights and consumer trends in fluid milk and beverages.
M. Wilcox*1, 1Significant Outcomes LLC, Pandora, OH.
Ninety 5 percent of US households purchase fluid milk at retail and are increasingly demanding wholesome, nutritious, and sustainable products. These shifts in consumer demand present a growth opportunity for the dairy industry to create value-added products for the fluid milk and beverage categories beyond the traditional gallon jug. Based upon data from the IRI DMI Custom Dairy Milk Database, flavored milk, lactose-free milk, and whole milk retail sales increased 6.6%, 15.8% and 5.3% respectively, in 2016. While much of the increase in whole milk sales has occurred from switching away from lower fat versions, some whole milk households are increasing their overall milk usage. Whole milk now represents over a third of the fluid milk category. Whole milk’s gaining acceptance may be tied to consumers’ interest in real and natural and emerging science finding no link between saturated fat and increased risk of heart disease, stroke, or diabetes. Refuel milks focused on consumer interest for additional protein have also increased 36.7%. Understanding the evolving marketplace and emerging nutritional findings is important when considering which advancements in dairy product and process research will need to occur to meet the needs of consumers today and in the future.
Key Words: fluid milk, whole milk, protein
Speaker Bio
Mary Wilcox is a business consultant with over 23 years of experience in food and agriculture. Mary received her Bachelor’s of Science degree in Biological Sciences and Masters Degree in Animal Nutrition from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. Additionally, Mary completed her Masters of Business Administration from Concordia University-St. Paul. Most recently, Mary served as the Vice President of Business Development at Midwest Dairy Association where she conducted outreach to processors and provided oversight for product, economic and nutrition research. Significant Outcomes LLC offers a broad portfolio of services including strategic business planning, project management, technical writing, and product & process scale-up assistance.