Abstract #131

# 131
The health benefits of donkey milk.
N. P. Uzee*1, C. C. Williams1, 1Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.

Milk is regarded as nature’s perfect food. However, for children with allergies to proteins present in dairy cow’s milk, who make up around 3% of the population, consuming this indispensable drink is impossible. To continue reaping the benefits of milk consumption, substitutions must be found. One such substitution is donkey milk, which is naturally hypoallergenic. When considering various milks’ compositions, those of human and donkey milk are very similar in amount of total protein, casein, and lactose, with stark differences from that of cow’s milk. In addition, the proteins present in donkey milk are most similar to those found in human breast milk, which makes them much easier to digest. Recent studies have indicated that in children with a cow’s milk protein allergy (CMPA), donkey milk has a high rate of tolerability. Donkey milk also has a light, sweet taste that makes it much more acceptable than milk replacers for children with allergies. The health benefits of donkey milk do not stop with cases of allergies; donkey milk has been regarded as a way to preserve youth since the days of Cleopatra, and its uses in cosmetology still exist today. With the unsaturated fats and several vitamins present, donkey milk is applied to the skin for its anti-aging properties. It also contains more anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids than cow’s milk, has also been shown to enhance immunity, and may help prevent atherosclerosis. Donkey milk is a versatile and healthy product that offers many benefits for human consumption.

Key Words: donkey milk, health benefits