Abstract #M292
Section: Ruminant Nutrition
Session: Ruminant Nutrition I
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B
Session: Ruminant Nutrition I
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B

# M292
Methane mitigation with corn oil and calcium sulfate, responses on whole animal energy and nitrogen balance in dairy cattle consuming reduced-fat distillers grains plus solubles.
J. V. Judy*1, T. M. Brown-Brandl2, S. C. Fernando1, P. J. Kononoff1, 1University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, 2USDA, ARS, US Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE.
Key Words: dried distillers grains and solubles, energy, methane
Methane mitigation with corn oil and calcium sulfate, responses on whole animal energy and nitrogen balance in dairy cattle consuming reduced-fat distillers grains plus solubles.
J. V. Judy*1, T. M. Brown-Brandl2, S. C. Fernando1, P. J. Kononoff1, 1University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, 2USDA, ARS, US Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE.
Addition of fat and calcium sulfate to diets fed to ruminants has been shown to reduce methane production, but these factors have not shown effects on energy balance. A study using indirect calorimetry and 16 multiparous (8 Holstein and 8 Jersey) (78 ± 15 DIM; mean ± SD) lactating dairy cows was conducted to determine how mitigating methane by adding corn oil or calcium sulfate to diets containing reduced-fat distillers grains, affect energy and nitrogen balance in dairy cattle. A replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with 35 d periods (28 d adaption and 7 d collections) was used to compare 4 different dietary treatments. Treatments were composed of a control (CON) diet which did not contain reduced-fat distillers grain plus solubles (RFDDGS), and treatment diets containing 20% (DM basis) RFDDGS (DG), 20% RFDDGS with 1.38% (DM basis) added corn oil (CO), and 20% RFDDGS with 0.93% (DM basis) added calcium sulfate (CaS). Addition of CaS reduced (P = 0.02) and addition of CO tended (P = 0.17) to reduce methane production compared with CON diet (421.6, 429.5, 394.7, and 381.4 ± 14.41 L/d for CON, DG, CO, and CaS respectively). Digestible energy was greater (P < 0.01) for DG and CO treatments compared with CON and CaS treatments (57.2, 61.5, 61.4, and 58.5 ± 1.13 for CON, DG, CO, and CaS, respectively). Metabolizable energy was greater (P < 0.01) in treatments containing RFDDGS compared with CON (50.5, 54.8, 55.0, and 52.3 ± 1.07 for CON, DG, CO, and CaS, respectively). Net energy of lactation per unit of DMI was greater in DG and CO than CON (1.44, 1.52, and 1.33 ± 0.04 Mcal/kg for DG, CO, and CON, respectively). Tissue energy was greater (P = 0.05) in DG and CO compared with CON (5.51, 6.48, and 2.71 ± 0.98 for DG, CO, and CON, respectively. Nitrogen balance was greater (P = 0.03) in DG than CO (91.1 vs 56.6 g/d for DG and CO, respectively). Added oil and calcium sulfate to diets containing RFDDGS may be a viable option to reduce methane emissions without affecting energy balance in lactating dairy cows.
Key Words: dried distillers grains and solubles, energy, methane