Abstract #437
Section: Ruminant Nutrition
Session: Ruminant Nutrition V
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Tuesday 4:00 PM–4:15 PM
Location: 318
Session: Ruminant Nutrition V
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Tuesday 4:00 PM–4:15 PM
Location: 318

# 437
Milk production and composition of dairy cows fed hydroponic barley sprouts.
R. D. Lawrence*1, J. L. Anderson1, S. I. Martinez Monteagudo1, L. Metzger1, 1Dairy and Food Science Department, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.
Key Words: hydroponic feed, dairy cow, milk production
Milk production and composition of dairy cows fed hydroponic barley sprouts.
R. D. Lawrence*1, J. L. Anderson1, S. I. Martinez Monteagudo1, L. Metzger1, 1Dairy and Food Science Department, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.
Our objective was to determine the effects on milk production and rumen fermentation of feeding cows hydroponically grown barley sprouts (HydroGreen Inc., Renner, SD). Twenty mid-lactation Holsteins (DIM 205 ± 47.4) were used in a 6-wk randomized complete block design study. Treatments included: 1) control diet with ground corn and soybean meal as major concentrate ingredients (CON) and 2) 8% (DM basis) as hydroponic barley sprouts replacing some corn and soybean meal (HYD). Both diets were individually fed as total mixed rations using Calan gates and were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. Cows were milked 2 × /d. Body condition scores (BCS) and body weight (BW) were measured and rumen fluid was collected via esophogeal tube at 4 h post feeding on 2 d during wk 0, 2, 4, and 6. Milk samples were taken on the same days. A blind triangle taste test was done on 2 d in wk 6 with 25 volunteers. Data were analyzed using MIXED procedures of SAS 9.4 with repeated measures and the triangle test was analyzed using a Chi-squared test in R. Dry matter intake (23.0, and 23.0 kg/d, for CON and HYD, respectively; SEM = 0.54) was similar (P > 0.05) between treatments. Treatments had similar BW (690.0, and 680.5 kg; SEM = 3.72). Body condition score (3.09, and 3.08; SEM = 0.03) was greater (P = 0.03) for CON fed cows. Milk production (30.6, and 31.5 kg/d; SEM = 1.60) and feed efficiency (1.33 and 1.40; SEM = 0.046) had treatment by wk interactions (P = 0.01). Milk protein (0.94 and 0.94 kg/d; SEM = 0.03) and fat (1.10 and 1.07, SEM = 0.06) yields were similar (P > 0.05). Rumen pH (6.53, and 6.60; SEM = 0.11), ammonia-N (12.72, and 13.90 mg/dL; SEM = 1.00), total volatile fatty acids (95.6, and 95.0 mM; SEM = 1.81) and acetate to propionate ratio (3.0, and 3.1; SEM = 0.11) were similar. Triangle test participants were unable to discern a taste difference between milk from CON vs. HYD on d 1 (Chi-squared = 0.55; P = 0.46) and d 2 (Chi-squared = 1.67; P = 0.20). Results demonstrate that hydroponic barley sprouts can replace a portion of the corn and soybean meal and maintain rumen fermentation and lactation performance.
Key Words: hydroponic feed, dairy cow, milk production