Abstract #M184
Section: Physiology and Endocrinology
Session: Physiology & Endocrinology I
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B
Session: Physiology & Endocrinology I
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B

# M184
Efficacy of an activity monitoring system to detect estrous activity in nulliparous Holstein heifers after synchronization of estrus using PGF2α.
P. D. Carvalho*1, R. V. Barletta1, H. Dement1, P. M. Fricke1, 1Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.
Key Words: dairy heifer, estrus, activity monitoring system
Efficacy of an activity monitoring system to detect estrous activity in nulliparous Holstein heifers after synchronization of estrus using PGF2α.
P. D. Carvalho*1, R. V. Barletta1, H. Dement1, P. M. Fricke1, 1Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.
To determine the accuracy of an activity monitoring system (AMS) for detecting a synchronized estrus, nulliparous Holstein heifers (n = 33) 13 to 15 mo of age and housed in the same pen were fitted with AMS neck collars (Heatime; SCR Engineers Ltd., Netanya, Israel). A total of 2 AMS data transceiver units were located over each water trough in the pen. All heifers received 3 sequential PGF2α treatments (25 mg dinoprost tromethamine; Zoetis, Parsippany, NJ) at 14 d intervals. Activation of pressure-activated Heatmount devices (Kamar Heatmount Detectors; Kamar Inc., Steamboat Springs, CO) affixed to individual heifers was used as a gold standard to determine the day of standing estrus after PGF2α treatment. Ovaries of all heifers were evaluated using transrectal ultrasonography on the day of PGF2α treatment, on the day of standing estrus, and 7 d later to confirm ovulation. Blood samples collected from all heifers on the day of PGF2α treatment and on the day of standing estrus were assayed for progesterone (P4) by RIA. Total true standing estrus periods (n = 94) after the 3 PGF2α treatments was defined when a heifer had a follicle >10 mm in diameter and P4 > 1 ng/mL on the day of PGF2α treatment, P4 < 1 ng/mL on the day of estrus, and P4 > 1 ng/mL and ovulation of a follicle 7 d after PGF2α treatment. Data were analyzed using the GLIMMIX, MIXED, and FREQ procedures of SAS. Overall, 72% (68/94) of true estrus periods were detected by the AMS. When true estrus periods were distributed based on the day of standing estrus after PGF2α treatment, sensitivity of the AMS was 50%, 93%, 77%, and 47% at 1, 2, 3, and ≥4 d after PGF2α treatment. Diameter of the largest follicle (mm) on the day of estrus tended to increase (P = 0.10) as day of estrus after PGF2α treatment increased (d 1 = 13.4 ± 0.3; d 2 = 13.6 ± 0.3; d 3 = 13.7 ± 0.3; ≥ d 4 = 14.4 ± 0.6 mm). We conclude that the AMS system was partially effective at detecting estrous activity after synchronization of estrus using PGF2α in nulliparous Holstein heifers. Supported by USDA NIFA Hatch project 1006519
Key Words: dairy heifer, estrus, activity monitoring system