Dairy Foods - Processing I

Section: Dairy Foods (posters)
Format: Posters
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall A
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
The application of supercritical CO2 technology on modifying beta-lactoglobulin in buttermilk to reduce its antigenicity.
P.-W. Yeh
Partial demineralization and deacidification of Greek yogurt acid whey by nanofiltration for improving the drying characteristics of Greek yogurt acid whey.
V. Sunkesula
T. Schubert
Effect of rinsing and washing time and water temperature on removal of peanut allergen from ice cream processing equipment.
Z. Ustunol
A conjugated whey protein hydrolysate demonstrates enhanced bioactive attributes.
S. Minj
Variation of cow milk quality traits in the dairy industry of northeast Italy in the last decades.
C. L. Manuelian
Physical-chemical analysis of donkey milk yogurt mixed with milk added from other species.
J. G. B. Galvão Jr.
Evaluating ElastoSens, a novel instrument for gelation measurements, on yogurt fermentation.
K. He
Effect of cavitation and nanofiltration temperature on the production of MPC80.
A. Mishra
Development of a benchtop method to make process cheese using a Thermomix.
L. Chou