Reproduction 1

Section: Reproduction (orals)
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Monday 9:30 AM–12:15 PM
Location: Room 207/208
Chair: Richard Pursley, Michigan State University
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
9:30 AM
#104 Using automated data collection systems to identify factors that affect the magnitude and duration of increased activity at estrus in Holstein cows.
M. C. Lucy
9:45 AM
#105 Activity before artificial insemination and conception in dairy cows in grazing and nongrazing conditions.
S. Paudyal
10:00 AM
#106 Characterization of behavior biometrics using 3D-kinematic analysis as ovulation approaches in dairy cows in tiestall housing.
H. J. Perez Marquez
10:15 AM
#107 Investigating reproductive traits in cows with high and low genetic merit for fertility in a seasonal, pasture-based system.
S. Meier
10:30 AM
#108 Early genomic prediction of daughter pregnancy rate is associated with improved fertility outcomes in Holstein dairy cows.
F. S. Lima
10:45 AM
11:00 AM
#109 Genetic merit for fertility and type of reproductive management strategy affected the reproductive performance of primiparous lactating Holstein cows.
E. M. Sitko
11:15 AM
#110 Plasma progesterone is associated with individual genetic traits and likelihood of conception in seasonal-calving pasture-based dairy cows.
S. T. Butler
11:30 AM
#111 Fertility of fresh and frozen sex-sorted semen in dairy cows and heifers in seasonal-calving pasture-based herds.
C. Maicas
11:45 AM
#112 Fertility of frozen sex-sorted semen at 4 x 106 sperm per dose in lactating dairy cows in seasonal-calving pasture-based herds.
C. Maicas
12:00 PM
#113 The genetic components of sexed semen production.
C. Heuer