Forages and Pastures 1

Section: Forages and Pastures (orals)
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Monday 9:30 AM–12:30 PM
Location: Room 233
Chair: Matt Akins, University of Wisconsin
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
9:30 AM
#81 Influence of cutting height on nutrient composition and yield of whole-plant corn silage through a meta-analysis.
E. M. Paula
9:45 AM
#82 The effects of a silage inoculant on aerobic stability and quality of grass/legume mixture fermented for 8 days and the impact on total mixed ration stability.
G. Copani
10:00 AM
#83 Effect of irrigation on fiber concentration and digestibility of corn plant tissues.
L. Martin
10:15 AM
#84 Milk yield and CH4 emission in Jersey cows grazing forage canola.
L. H. P. Silva
10:30 AM
#85 Effect of microbial inoculation and particle size on fermentation profile, aerobic stability, and ruminal in situ starch disappearance of high-moisture corn.
B. A. Saylor
10:45 AM
#86 Effect of a dual-purpose bacterial inoculant and recombinant bacterial expansin-like protein on fermentation profile and digestibility of whole-plant corn silage.
A. A. Pech-Cervantes
11:00 AM
#87 The impact of zero-grazing versus conventional grazing in early lactation autumn-calving dairy cows in Ireland.
C. Holohan
11:15 AM
#88 Diagnostics tool for corn silage: Development, validation, and characterization index using principal component analysis from Québec, Canada.
M. Leduc
11:30 AM
#89 Effect of hybrid on performance, digestion, and nitrogen balance of lactating cows fed whole-plant corn silage.
M. N. Pereira
11:45 AM
#90 A meta-analysis examining the effects of herb species inclusion in grazing swards for dairy cows.
K. M. McCarthy
12:00 PM
#91 Establishment of perennial forages with annual sudangrass or sorghum-sudangrass hybrids improved forage yields and in vitro total-tract NDF digestibility.
A. Mustafa
12:15 PM
#92 Effect of using fresh ryegrass-berseem clover as forage basis for TMR during the winter period on dairy cow performance and nitrogen utilization.
D. Enriquez-Hidalgo