Presentations by A. A. Pech-Cervantes

Oral PresentationPoster Presentation
The effects of recombinant bacterial expansin-like protein and a fibrolytic enzyme on in vitro nutrient digestibility and preingestive hydrolysis of alfalfa silage.
A. A. Pech-Cervantes
  • Wednesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM in Exhibit Hall A
  • Poster Presentation in Forages and Pastures 2
Effect of a dual-purpose bacterial inoculant and recombinant bacterial expansin-like protein on fermentation profile and digestibility of whole-plant corn silage.
A. A. Pech-Cervantes
  • Monday 10:45 AM–11:00 AM in Room 233
  • Oral Presentation in Forages and Pastures 1

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