Abstract #199

# 199
Quantification of the emission reduction benefits of mitigation strategies for dairy silage.
F. M. Mitloehner*1, 1Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA.

Dairy silages can be a major air emission source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In general, emission of VOCs from silage can be mitigated by either 1) reducing VOC production in the liquid/solid phase of the silage pile, or 2) reducing relative emission from the face of the silage pile or the feedlane. The focus of the present research was on monitoring and modeling of VOC production, as well as emissions mitigation via various silage storage methods, de-facing practices, and feed management approaches. For the field monitoring of emissions from different silage storage and defacing methods, we used flux chambers and wind tunnels that were attached vertically on the silage face, immediately after de-facing. Different storage methods (i.e., conventional standard pile vs silage bag), and defacing methods (e.g., perpendicular, lateral, and rake extraction) were compared aiming at reducing emissions. The monitoring data was used to inform and validate a new VOC process-based model that was developed to predict VOC emissions from silage sources on farms using theoretical relationships of mass transfer and parameters determined through our earlier laboratory experiments and numerical modeling. The results for silage storage indicated that silage bags vs. conventional silage piles emit considerably fewer VOC emissions. Furthermore, lateral defacing versus perpendicular- and rake defacing reduced emissions of most VOCs. Simulations of all relevant silage mitigation options that were studied on the commercial dairies were conducted using the VOC modeling tool. These simulations clearly showed that most of the reactive VOC emissions on a California dairy occur from feed lying in feed lanes during feeding as opposed to the silage storage pile or bag. However, one shall not view those monitoring results in isolation, because only the integration of other parts of the feed’s life cycle, using whole farm modeling, explains not just the relative but also the absolute effectiveness of mitigation techniques in reducing VOCs on the entire dairy. The whole farm modeling clearly showed that mitigation efforts should be applied to reducing VOC emissions from feeding rather than focusing solely on those from the exposed face of silage piles.