Breeding and Genetics III: Feed Efficiency crossbreeding and production

Section: Breeding and Genetics (orals)
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Tuesday 2:00 PM–5:00 PM
Location: Room 301 A
Chair: Filippo Miglior , Canadian Dairy Network
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
2:00 PM
#387 Progeny testing results in accurate genomic breeding values for feed efficiency in Holstein dairy sires.
Claas Heuer
2:15 PM
#388 Dry matter intake, production, body condition score, body weight, and frame size of ProCROSS crossbred versus Holstein cows.
B. N. Shonka-Martin
2:30 PM
#389 Feed efficiency and residual feed intake of ProCROSS crossbred versus Holstein cows.
B. N. Shonka-Martin
2:45 PM
#390 Activity and rumination of Holstein versus crossbred cows in an organic grazing and low-input conventional herd.
Glenda M. Pereira
3:00 PM
#391 Incorporation of feed efficiency into a selection index for Holstein cattle.
Kerry Houlahan
3:15 PM
#392 Methods to compute reliabilities for genomic predictions of feed intake.
Jana L. Hutchison
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
#393 Indicator traits to predict dry matter intake in Holstein cattle.
Shannon C. Beard
4:15 PM
#394 Dairy Wellness Traits from genomic testing with a control Holstein cow population compared to contemporary Holstein cows in a pasture production system.
Bradley J. Heins
4:30 PM
#395 Heritability and genetic correlations of shape and size of lactation curves in Israeli Holsteins using geometric morphometrics.
Joel I. Weller
4:45 PM
#396 Montbeliarde- and Viking Red-sired crossbred cows compared with Holstein cows for health treatment cost in high-performance dairies in Minnesota.
A. R. Hazel