Animal Behavior and Well-Being I

Section: Animal Behavior and Well-Being (orals)
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Monday 2:00 PM–4:45 PM
Location: Room 300 AB
Chair: Emily K. Miller-Cushon, University of Florida
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
2:00 PM
#138 Feeding behavior, dry matter intake and intake rate in dominant and subordinate dairy heifers allocated in competitive dyads.
Carolina Fiol
2:15 PM
#139 Will dairy cows sort their diet in response to negative energy balance?
Sydney M. Moore
2:30 PM
#140 Dynamic feed delivery times of an automatic feeding system and the effects on feeding behavior of dairy cows.
Rosemarie Oberschätzl-Kopp
2:45 PM
#142 Effect of a mechanical calf brush on the behavior and performance of recently weaned heifer calves.
Ana Velasquez
3:00 PM
#143 Short-term overstocking, heat stress, or combination on the welfare of lactating dairy cows.
Amanda R. Lee
3:15 PM
#144 A novel approach to estimate intake of lactating dairy cows through multiple on-cow accelerometer sensors.
Nathaly A. Carpinelli
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
#145 Validation of an ear-tag accelerometer to identify feeding and activity behaviors of tie-stall housed dairy cattle.
E. Vasseur
4:15 PM
#146 The effect of two different indoor AMS loose-housing options and pasture-access on dairy cow step activity and time budget.
Elise Shepley