Dairy Foods Symposium: Chr. Hansen Symposium: Microbial Ecology of Cheese

Section: Dairy Foods
Day/Time: Wednesday 2:00 PM–6:00 PM
Location: 406
Chair: John Lyne, Chr. Hansen, Inc.
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
2:00 PM
Opening Remarks
John Lyne
2:15 PM   Recorded
#523 Dairy species from non-dairy sources: Their genomic and metabolic diversity and potential applications in cheese.
O. McAuliffe
2:45 PM
#524 Development of secondary cultures for consistency and control over cheese ripening.
J. A. Hannon
3:15 PM
#525 Interaction of starter cultures and nonstarter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) in the cheese environment.
G. LaPointe
3:45 PM
#526 Interactions of production environment microbiota with food and beverage fermentations: Lessons for cheese production.
D. A. Mills
4:15 PM   Recorded
#527 Diversity and dynamics of surface-ripened cheese microbiomes: implications for cheese quality and safety
B. E. Wolfe
4:45 PM
Closing Remarks
John Lyne
5:00 PM
Chr. Hansen Cheese Symposium