Production, Management & the Environment V

Section: Production, Management and the Environment
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Wednesday 9:30 AM–11:00 AM
Location: 321
Chair: Phil Cardoso, University of Illinois, Urbana
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
9:30 AM
#517 Relationship between bulk tank fat and true protein test and milk fatty acid composition.
D. M. Barbano
9:45 AM
#518 The effects of US region on the annual rhythms of milk yield and fat and protein concentration and yield of dairy cattle at the herd level.
I. J. Salfer
10:00 AM
#519 Relationship of mid-lactation feed efficiency with early and late lactation body condition score in Holstein dairy cows.
L. Hardie
10:15 AM
#520 Comparison of growth and meat quality of Holstein and crossbred dairy steers grazing two cover cropping systems.
H. Phillips
10:30 AM
#521 Comparison of liquid stored and frozen semen in 2 different timed AI protocols.
W. Heuwieser
10:45 AM
#522 WITHDRAWN at author's request
R. S. Balouch