Breeding and Genetics III: Methods

Section: Breeding and Genetics
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Wednesday 9:30 AM–12:45 PM
Location: 326
Chair: Daniela Lourenco, University of Georgia
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
9:30 AM
#458 Phenotypic analysis of daily milk, fat, and protein production with geometric morphometrics.
Á. A. D. Benítez
9:45 AM
#464 Determination of quantitative trait variants by concordance via application of the a posteriori granddaughter design to the US Holstein population.
J. I. Weller
10:00 AM
#460 Genetic parameters of milk fatty acid profile in dairy sheep.
N. P. P. Macciotta
10:15 AM
#461 Genomic predictions for crossbreds from all-breed data.
M. E. Tooker
10:30 AM
#462 Genetic trends from single-step GBLUP and traditional BLUP for production traits in US Holstein.
Y. Masuda
10:45 AM
#463 A Genetic Diversity Index method to improve imputation accuracies of rare variants.
A. M. Butty
11:00 AM
#459 Genetic parameters of bovine milk color and processing characteristics predicted by mid-infrared spectroscopy.
G. Visentin
11:15 AM
#465 Impact of SNP selection on genomic prediction for different reference population sizes.
D. A. L. Lourenco
11:30 AM
#466 Optimum selection of core animals in the efficient inversion of the genomic relationship matrix.
H. L. Bradford
11:45 AM
#467 Including causative variants into single-step genomic BLUP.
B. D. Fragomeni
12:00 PM
#468 Impact of pedigree truncation on accuracy and convergence of ssGBLUP in a population with long pedigree when only a fraction of animals are phenotyped.
I. Pocrnic
12:15 PM
#469 Bayesian whole-genome prediction and genome-wide association analysis with missing genotypes using variable selection.
C. Chen
12:30 PM
#470 SSGP: SNP-set based genomic prediction to incorporate biological information.
J. Jiang