Growth and Development I

Section: Growth and Development
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Tuesday 9:30 AM–10:15 AM
Location: 317
Chair: Michael Steele, University of Alberta
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
9:30 AM
#300 Evaluating the effect of protein source and micro-encapsulated sodium butyrate in starter mixtures on gastrointestinal tract development of dairy calves.
K. Burakowska
9:45 AM
#301 Effects of feeding milk replacer with increased fat on intake and performance of calves during the summer months in northern New York.
K. Hultquist
10:00 AM
#302 Effects of prebiotic and phytogenic milk replacer additives on growth and feed utilization of Holstein rearing calves.
T. Wilke