Production, Management & the Environment I

Section: Production, Management and the Environment
Format: Orals
Day/Time: Monday 9:30 AM–12:00 PM
Location: 324
Chair: Victor Cabrera, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
9:30 AM
#92 Developing a heat stress model in dairy cows using an electric blanket.
M. Al-Qaisi
9:45 AM
#91 Evaluation of an ear tag based behavior and temperature monitor (Cow Manager) during a heat stress induction trial using electric heat blankets (EHB).
M. Al-Qaisi
10:00 AM
#93 1H Nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics of urine in heat-stressed dairy goats.
A. Contreras-Jodar
10:15 AM
#94 Effect of heat stress, dietary zinc source and intramammary lipopolysaccharide challenge on metabolic responses of lactating Holstein cows.
T. N. Marins
10:30 AM
#95 Production and absorption rates of volatile fatty acids are significantly affected by heat stress.
R. R. White
10:45 AM
#96 Using calf jackets to minimize cold stress in Jersey calves.
X. Wen
11:00 AM
11:15 AM
#97 Technical and economic performance of Holstein crossbred versus pure Holstein herds using a stochastic simulation model.
M. López-Suárez
11:30 AM
#98 Herd contextual effect modulates the relationship between cow milk yield and reproductive performance.
R. Rearte
11:45 AM
#99 Precision dairy herd management—A quantile regression approach.
J. Richard