Teaching/Undergraduate and Graduate Education Symposium: Mentoring in Dairy Science

Section: Teaching/Undergraduate and Graduate Education
Day/Time: Monday 9:30 AM–12:30 PM
Location: 301/302
Chair: Antonio Faciola, University of Nevada
Please note: last-minute changes to the program may not be reflected here.
9:30 AM   Recorded
#123 Mentoring undergraduate students in dairy science.
L. Berning
9:55 AM   Recorded
#124 Mentoring minorities in dairy and animal sciences.
R. Noble
10:20 AM   Recorded
#125 Mentoring graduate students as a young faculty: Challenges and opportunities.
A. Faciola
10:45 AM   Recorded
#126 Mentoring and empowering women in dairy science.
K. M. Schoenberg
11:10 AM
#127 Mentoring postdocs in an increasingly competitive environment.
P. Clifford
11:35 AM
#128 Mentoring young faculty to succeed in teaching and research.
K. A. Weigel
12:00 PM
Panel discussion with speakers