Abstract #T127
Section: Growth and Development
Session: Growth and Development II
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Tuesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B
Session: Growth and Development II
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Tuesday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B

# T127
Effect of limit feeding and genomic residual feed intake on dairy heifer growth and feed efficiency.
M. S. Akins*1, K. T. Williams1, H. Su2, W. K. Coblentz3, N. M. Esser4, P. C. Hoffman1,5, K. A. Weigel1, 1Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, 2China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, 3USDA Dairy Forage Research Center, Marshfield, WI, 4Marshfield Agricultural Research Station, University of Wisconsin, Marshfield, WI, 5Vita Plus Corporation, Madison, WI.
Key Words: dairy heifer, residual feed intake, limit feeding
Effect of limit feeding and genomic residual feed intake on dairy heifer growth and feed efficiency.
M. S. Akins*1, K. T. Williams1, H. Su2, W. K. Coblentz3, N. M. Esser4, P. C. Hoffman1,5, K. A. Weigel1, 1Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, 2China Agricultural University, Beijing, China, 3USDA Dairy Forage Research Center, Marshfield, WI, 4Marshfield Agricultural Research Station, University of Wisconsin, Marshfield, WI, 5Vita Plus Corporation, Madison, WI.
The objective of this study was to evaluate growth and feed efficiency of dairy heifers differing in predicted genomic residual feed intake as a lactating cow (RFI) and either fed ad-libitum or limit-fed. Post-bred Holstein heifers (128, ages 14–20 mo) were blocked by BW (heavy, 516 kg; medium-heavy, 485 kg; medium-light, 457 kg; and light, 420 kg) with 32 heifers per block. Heifers within block were sorted by genomic RFI to obtain 2 pens of high and 2 pens of low RFI within each weight block (8 heifers per pen). Diet treatments were i) a control diet (CON) comprised of corn silage and alfalfa silage (59.2% TDN, 12.7% CP, and 47.8% NDF, DM basis), and ii) a diet limit-fed (LIMIT) to 90% of CON intakes (62.4% TDN, 13.4% CP, and 42.7% NDF, DM basis). The LIMIT diet contained the same forages as CON but included corn and soybean meal to obtain similar nutrient intakes as CON. Treatments were randomly allocated to obtain a 2x2 factorial arrangement and implemented within a 120-d trial. Data were evaluated using the MIXED procedure in SAS 9.4 with pen as experimental unit. Feed intake was greater (P = 01) for heifers fed CON diets (11.0 vs. 9.98 kg DM/d). Feed intake was unaffected (P > 0.34) by RFI with no interaction between diet and RFI. Protein intake was greater (P = 0.04) for heifers fed CON compared with heifers fed LIMIT (1.41 vs. 1.33 kg CP/d). Intake of dietary ME tended to be greater for CON fed heifers (P = 0.07); but intakes of NEm and NEg were similar (P > 0.28) between diets. The ADG of heifers was affected by diet (P < 0.01) with CON fed heifers having greater ADG than LIMIT (0.88 vs 0.80 kg/d) potentially due to greater digesta fill for CON. The ADG of heifers was also affected (P < 0.01) by RFI with Low RFI heifers gaining more than High RFI heifers (0.86 vs. 0.83 kg/d). Feed efficiency of heifers was unaffected by diet (P = 0.70), but was improved (P = 0.01) in Low RFI heifers compared with High RFI heifers (12.1 vs. 12.8 kg DM/kg gain). Body condition gain was unaffected by RFI or diet (P > 0.36). Overall, heifers with Low genomic RFI had improved feed and growth efficiency whether fed ad-libitum or limit-fed diets.
Key Words: dairy heifer, residual feed intake, limit feeding