Abstract #2
Section: ADSA Lactation Symposium
Session: ADSA Lactation Symposium
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Sunday 9:35 AM–10:35 AM
Location: 303
Presentation is being recorded
Session: ADSA Lactation Symposium
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Sunday 9:35 AM–10:35 AM
Location: 303

# 2
Amino acid uptake by the mammary glands: Where does the control lie?
J. P. Cant*1, J. J. M. Kim1, S. R. L. Cieslar1, J. Doelman2, 1University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, 2Nutreco Nederland BV, Boxmeer, the Netherlands.
Key Words: mammary blood flow, milk protein synthesis, translational regulation
Speaker Bio
Amino acid uptake by the mammary glands: Where does the control lie?
J. P. Cant*1, J. J. M. Kim1, S. R. L. Cieslar1, J. Doelman2, 1University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada, 2Nutreco Nederland BV, Boxmeer, the Netherlands.
Milk protein yield responses to changes in the profile of essential amino acids absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract or circulating in blood plasma do not follow the classic limiting amino acid response, in part because of an ability of the mammary glands to modify their blood flow rate and net clearance of amino acids out of plasma. The hypothesis that mammary blood flow is locally regulated to maintain ATP balance accounts for observed changes in flow due to postruminal glucose, insulin and EAA infusions. An additional hypothesis that net mammary uptakes of metabolites from blood are affected by perturbations in their respective arterial concentrations and the rate of mammary blood flow also appears to hold for the energy metabolites glucose, acetate, BHBA and FA. However, net EAA uptakes by the mammary glands are poorly predicted by models considering arterial concentrations and blood flow rates only. Evidence points to intramammary protein synthesis and secretion as the determinant of net EAA uptake. The intracellular signaling network anchored by the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) stands as an excellent candidate to explain nutritional effects on milk protein synthesis because it integrates information on physiological and nutritional state to affect protein synthesis and cell metabolism, growth, proliferation and differentiation in many cell types. In mammary cells in vitro and in vivo, the mTORC1, integrated stress response, and insulin signaling networks that contribute to regulation of initiation of mRNA translation are responsive to acute changes in nutrient supply and EAA profile. However, after several days of postruminal infusion of balanced and imbalanced EAA profiles, these signaling networks do not appear to continue to account for changes in milk protein yields. Gene expression evidence suggests that regulation of components of the unfolded protein response that control biogenesis of the endoplasmic reticulum and differentiation of a secretory phenotype may contribute to effects of nutrition on milk protein yield. Connections between early signaling events and their long-term consequences are proposed.
Key Words: mammary blood flow, milk protein synthesis, translational regulation
Speaker Bio
John supervises a dynamic group of students who use a combination of in vivo, in vitro, and in silico techniques to study the physiological and biochemical regulation of milk synthesis in dairy cows, and the metabolic consequences of cows’ milk consumption in animals. John teaches animal metabolism and conducts research with a systems biology approach where whole-animal function is explained as a consequence of biochemical activities in individual cells. His lab makes measurements of milk protein, fat and lactose synthesis in mammary cells, or cell-free preparations, or in the udders of cows infused intra-arterially, intravenously or abomasally with nutrients to develop hypotheses that explain effects of the cow’s diet and physiological state on milk yield and composition. These hypotheses are expressed in mathematical form in computer simulation models that can be used to predict how much milk a cow will produce and what the nutritional quality will be. A particular interest is regulation of translation of the milk protein mRNAs by characteristics of the mRNA sequences and by activity state of initiation and elongation factors in the mammary glands. Combining these features with descriptions of milk secretory cell turnover and local control of mammary blood flow provides a systems view of milk synthesis. The lab also studies health implications for humans of consuming milk components in the diet, particularly in relation to insulin sensitivity.