Abstract #103
Section: Ruminant Nutrition
Session: Ruminant Nutrition Symposium: Metabolomics Applications in Dairy Cow Metabolism
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Monday 11:15 AM–11:45 AM
Location: 319/320
Presentation is being recorded
Session: Ruminant Nutrition Symposium: Metabolomics Applications in Dairy Cow Metabolism
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Monday 11:15 AM–11:45 AM
Location: 319/320

# 103
Characterization of the bovine lipidome: Discovery of the sphingolipid ceramide as a biomarker of insulin resistance in dairy cattle.
J. W. McFadden*1, 1West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
Key Words: ceramide, insulin resistance, lipidomics
Speaker Bio
Characterization of the bovine lipidome: Discovery of the sphingolipid ceramide as a biomarker of insulin resistance in dairy cattle.
J. W. McFadden*1, 1West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
The development of insulin resistance represents a homeorhetic adaptation to support lactation in dairy cattle; however, impaired insulin action can be a detriment to metabolic health during the peripartum. To delineate the mechanisms of insulin resistance, we have focused on the sphingolipid ceramide which is an antagonist of insulin action in diabetic monogastrics. A lipidomics workflow that includes the application of targeted and untargeted mass spectrometry has been employed to investigate the relationship between ceramide metabolism and insulin sensitivity in dairy cattle. Studies have established that the peripartal progression of hyperlipidemia, hepatic lipid accumulation, and insulin resistance is accompanied by hepatic and circulating ceramide accumulation. Although these changes develop in all cows, enhanced adiposity predisposes cows to heightened ceramide accrual which may explain their observed impairment in lipolytic responsiveness to glucose. Hepatic de novo ceramide synthesis and export can respond to increased fatty acid delivery and altered mitochondrial fatty acid processing. Specifically, the induction of hyperlipidemia by intravenous triacylglycerol infusion or by nutrient-restriction can increase de novo ceramide synthesis in dairy cattle. However, ceramide pools may also rise in response to inflammation-provoked sphingomyelin hydrolysis. Importantly, the ability of ceramide to antagonize insulin action is influenced by the acyl moiety and glycosylation status. Our series of lipidomic studies have revealed circulating lignoceroyl sphingosine (C24:0-ceramide) as an insulin resistance biomarker. Feeding regimens utilized on-farm can influence C24:0-ceramide supply. For example, palmitic acid feeding increases C24:0-ceramide supply in lactating dairy cows, relative to stearic acid or no fat supplementation. Also, micronutrients nicotinic acid and choline can influence ceramide levels. On-going research is investigating novel pharmacological and nutritional approaches to modify ceramide synthesis and insulin sensitivity as a means of improving dairy cow health and performance.
Key Words: ceramide, insulin resistance, lipidomics
Speaker Bio
Dr. Joseph W. McFadden has a scientific interest to define the mechanisms of insulin resistance in dairy cattle. He received a B.S. degree with Distinction in Research from the Department of Animal Science at Cornell University. While in the Department of Animal Science at the University of Illinois, he completed a M.S. degree focused on peripartal dairy cattle nutrition. He later obtained a Ph.D. degree in molecular biology and lipid metabolism from the Department of Dairy Science at Virginia Tech. Following his Ph.D. training, Dr. McFadden gained experience in the field of metabolomics as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Neuroscience and the Center for Metabolism and Obesity Research at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In 2012, Dr. McFadden joined the faculty in the Division of Animal and Nutritional Sciences at West Virginia University as an assistant professor of biochemistry. At WVU, Dr. McFadden works to characterize the mechanisms of insulin resistance. Currently, Dr. McFadden has accepted the Northeast Agribusiness and Feed Alliance faculty fellowship position in dairy cattle biology in the Department of Animal Science at Cornell University where he will continue his lipidomics research program.