Abstract #135
Section: ADSA Production Division Symposium
Session: ADSA Production Division Symposium: Future of the Dairy Sector Toward 2030
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Monday 2:00 PM–2:30 PM
Location: 315/316
Presentation is being recorded
Session: ADSA Production Division Symposium: Future of the Dairy Sector Toward 2030
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Monday 2:00 PM–2:30 PM
Location: 315/316

# 135
Vision on dairy cattle nutrition towards 2030.
M. D. Hanigan*1, R. R. White*1, 1Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
Key Words: precision nutrition, dairy production, environmental impact
Speaker Bio
Vision on dairy cattle nutrition towards 2030.
M. D. Hanigan*1, R. R. White*1, 1Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
The growing global population, changing climate, and decreasing resource availability create a need to improve efficiency and durability of food production. Within the current US food production system, dairy products play an important role in providing high quality protein from human inedible inputs. The environmental impact of dairy products is lower than many other animal products and several non-animal derived foods; however, greenhouse gas emissions and N and P runoff from dairy operations should be minimized wherever possible. Enhancing energy and N use efficiency of dairy cattle production will reduce these environmental impacts and potentially improve farm economic viability. In current systems, gross energy and N are converted to milk energy and N with approximately 20% and 25% efficiency, respectively. Phosphorus capture in milk is slightly greater at 40%. Gains in energy efficiency occur with increasing production through dilution of maintenance costs; however, there are opportunities to improve energy efficiency through enhanced digestive action or improved metabolic efficiency. These will reduce methane emissions. Experimental evidence suggests ample opportunity to enhance N use efficiency. The rumen can be operated above 100% apparent efficiency by feeding low N diets and forcing greater reliance on blood urea yielding a potential improvement of 5% units in efficiency. Postabsorptive N efficiency is approximately 35% and the upper limit is probably as high as 70%, which suggests potential of improving by an additional 10 to 20% units. The latter requires enhanced knowledge of amino acid metabolism. Gains in the efficiency of P utilization will likely require significant improvements in our basic understanding of the regulation of P metabolism. The digestive tract generates excess quantities of absorbable inorganic P suggesting the current limit is not one of digestibility. There are additional opportunities associated with the use of feeding technologies and facility designs that can tailor diets for individual cows based on current and projected production and their genomic profiles, sense and respond to variation in feed inputs, and alter rations to mitigate environmental stress and variation.
Key Words: precision nutrition, dairy production, environmental impact
Speaker Bio
Dr. Hanigan began his career as a dairy farmer in Western Iowa in 1978. In 1984, he enrolled at Iowa State University where he earned a B.S. in Dairy Science in 1987, followed by a M.S. in Animal Science and a Ph.D. in Nutrition at the University of California, Davis under the guidance of Lee Baldwin. He worked as a post-doctoral scientist in Don Carlson’s laboratory in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at UC-Davis until 1993 when he joined Purina Mills, Inc. as a research scientist where he worked on nitrogen metabolism in the lactating animal, energy and protein requirement systems, and calf growth.
Dr. Hanigan joined the Dept. of Dairy Science at Virginia Tech in 2005 where he continues to work in the area of nutrient metabolism using experimental and mathematical modeling approaches. The long-term objective of his work is to improve animal efficiency and reduce the impact of animal based production systems on the environment while maintaining a viable dairy industry.
His research group currently consists of 2 post-doctoral fellows, 5 PhD students, 2 MS students, and a technician. Ongoing projects include work to improve amino acid requirement equations, improve predictions of volatile fatty acid and methane production, and to evaluate the role of ruminants in the human food system. He is a member of the current NRC Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle rewrite committee.
Dr. Hanigan joined the Dept. of Dairy Science at Virginia Tech in 2005 where he continues to work in the area of nutrient metabolism using experimental and mathematical modeling approaches. The long-term objective of his work is to improve animal efficiency and reduce the impact of animal based production systems on the environment while maintaining a viable dairy industry.
His research group currently consists of 2 post-doctoral fellows, 5 PhD students, 2 MS students, and a technician. Ongoing projects include work to improve amino acid requirement equations, improve predictions of volatile fatty acid and methane production, and to evaluate the role of ruminants in the human food system. He is a member of the current NRC Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle rewrite committee.